A public open house will begin this week for the Arequipa Peru Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is the country’s third temple. Peru has a Church membership of more than 605,000.
The free open house begins on Friday, November 15, and continues through Saturday, November 30, 2019. The temple will be closed on Sundays during that time, November 17 and 24. The tour hours are Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. No reservations are needed.
The temple will be dedicated by President Russell M. Nelson on Sunday, December 15, 2019, and a youth devotional will be held on Saturday, December 14.
Latter-day Saints consider temples to be the “house of the Lord” and the most sacred places of worship on the earth. Temples differ from the Church’s meetinghouses (chapels). All are welcome to attend Sunday worship services and other weekday activities at local meetinghouses.
The primary purpose of temples, however, is for faithful members of the Church to participate in sacred ceremonies, such as marriages that unite families forever and proxy baptisms on behalf of deceased ancestors who did not have the opportunity while living. Find out more about temples.
Other temples in Peru are located in Lima that was dedicated on 10 January 1986

and Trujillo that was dedicated on 21 June 2015

and a fourth, the Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple, is currently under construction. Ground was broken earlier this year.

See more pictures and learn more about the Arequipa Peru Temple in the article from the Church Newsroom