Last update: May 2022. Also see other collected talk by Church Leaders
Elder Quentin L. Cook was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 6 October 2007. Called as a General Authority in April 1996, he served in the Second Quorum, the First Quorum, and the Presidency of the Seventy.
He previously served in the Area Presidency in the Philippines, as president of the Pacific Islands and the North America Northwest Areas, and as Executive Director of the Missionary Department.
At the time of his call to be a General Authority of the Church, he was vice chairman of Sutter Health System. He had previously served as president and chief executive officer of a California healthcare system. Prior to that, he was a business lawyer and managing partner of a San Francisco Bay Area law firm.
He is a native of Logan, Utah, received a bachelor’s degree in political science from Utah State University, and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from Stanford University.
He has served the Church as a full-time missionary in the British Mission and as a bishop, stake president in the San Francisco California Stake, Regional Representative, and Area Authority in the North America West Area.
He married Mary Gaddie on November 30, 1962. They are the parents of three children and have eleven grandchildren. (From the website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day) Saints)
- General conference 1996 – present
- CES/worldwide devotionals 2012 – present
- BYU 2007 – present
- BYU–Idaho 2006 – present
- BYU–Hawaii 2010 – present
- Other 2014 – present
General conference
- Rejoice! October 1996, Saturday afternoon session
- Are You a Saint? October 2003, Sunday afternoon session
- Live by Faith and Not by Fear . October 2007, Sunday morning session
- Give Heed unto the Prophets’ Words April 2008, priesthood session
- “Hope Ya Know, We Had a Hard Time” October 2008, Sunday afternoon session
- Our Father’s Plan—Big Enough for All His Children April 2009, Saturday afternoon session
- Stewardship—a Sacred Trust October 2009, Sunday afternoon session
- We Follow Jesus Christ . April 2010, Sunday morning session
- Let There Be Light! October 2010, Saturday afternoon session
- LDS Women Are Incredible! April 2011, Saturday morning session
- The Songs They Could Not Sing October 2011, Sunday afternoon session
- In Tune with the Music of Faith April 2012, Saturday afternoon session
- Can Ye Feel So Now? October 2012, Saturday morning session
- Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness April 2013, Saturday afternoon session
- Lamentations of Jeremiah: Beware of Bondage October 2013, Sunday afternoon session
- Roots and Branches April 2014, Saturday afternoon session
- Choose Wisely October 2014, priesthood session
- The Lord Is My Light April 2015, Saturday afternoon session
- Shipshape and Bristol Fashion: Be Temple Worthy—in Good Times and Bad Times October 2015, Saturday morning session
- See Yourself in the Temple April 2016, Sunday morning session
- Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus . October 2016, Saturday afternoon session
- Foundations of Faith April 2017, Sunday afternoon session
- The Eternal Everyday October 2017, Saturday afternoon session
- Prepare to Meet God April 2018, Sunday afternoon session
- Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ October 2018, Saturday morning session
- Adjustments to Strengthen Youth October 2019, Saturday afternoon session
- The Blessing of Continuing Revelation to Prophets and Personal Revelation to Guide Our Lives April 2020, Sunday afternoon session
- Hearts Knit in Righteousness and Unity – October 2020, Saturday morning session
- Bishops—Shepherds over the Lord’s Flock – April 2021, general priesthood session
- Personal Peace in Challenging Times – October 2021, Sunday morning session
- Conversion to the Will of God – April 2022, Saturday afternoon session
- Be True to God and His Work – October 2022, Sunday afternoon session
- Safely Gathered Home – April 2023, Saturday morning session
CES/Worldwide devotionals
- What E’er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part: Avoid Wearing Masks That Hide Identity 2012
- “Fear Not … in Me Your Joy Is Full” (D&C 101:36) September 11, 2016
- Be a Missionary All Your Life March 13, 2007
- A Banquet of Consequences: The Cumulative Result of All Choices February 7, 2017
- “Be Not Weary in Well-Doing” – August 24, 2020
- Great Expectations November 10, 2020
- “Give Heed to the Words of the Prophets” – August 16, 2022
- Strengthen Faith as You Seek Knowledge March 14, 2006
- The Restoration of Morality and Religious Freedom December 16, 2011
- The Good Life December 18, 2015
- Out of Obscurity: How Merciful the Lord Has Been June 12, 2018
- The Sunny Side of the Street – January 26, 2021
- Pursue the True Path to Happiness April 10, 2010
- Resolve to Make Righteous Choices November 20, 2018
- A Remarkable Future Awaits You! – December 9, 2022
- The Reward of Righteousness (PDF) 2014 at BYU Women’s Conference
- Face to Face September 9, 2018