As you search through historical records, it can be easy to focus mostly on dates, locations, and relationships. But one of the most rewarding parts of doing family history is discovering the stories of ancestors. Did you know there is a place on FamilySearch’s Family Tree to record these stories and other details so others can enjoy them as well?
When working on an ancestor’s profile in Family Tree, you can add events and facts to both individuals and relationships to help fellow FamilySearch users understand more about your shared ancestors. These facts and events give other people a helpful overview of that ancestor’s life, with more of the rich details included. You’ll find this feature in multiple places.
Other Information
The Other Information section for each of your ancestors has a place to add many fun and important details, such as occupation, title of nobility, and military service. To find this section, navigate to your ancestor’s profile. The page should automatically open on the Details tab. If not, be sure to select Details from the options beneath your ancestor’s name.

Read the rest of the article “Going Beyond Birth and Death Dates in Family Tree” to learn now to add events and facts to an ancestor’s entry. These rich details give other people a helpful overview of your ancestor’s life.
The FamilySearch Story
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the primary benefactor for FamilySearch services. Our commitment to helping people connect with their ancestors is rooted in our beliefs—that families are meant to be central to our lives and that family relationships are intended to continue beyond this life.
We hold that all family members—those living, those past, and those future—share an enduring bond that reaches across the generations. To us this means that families are forever, and an important part of acting on this belief is doing family history.
FamilySearch, historically known as the Genealogical Society of Utah, which was founded in 1894, is dedicated to preserving the records of the family of mankind. Our purpose is simple—help people connect with their ancestors through easy access to historical records.
We gladly join and partner with others who share this vision. We pioneered industry standards for gathering, imaging, indexing, and preserving records. Advances in technology and the emergence of our digital world now provide an opportunity for us to share these resources with the world.