This blog is about my faith and other topics, including family, leadership, innovation, etc. It is also about some of the books I read, or topics from the news. If you like what you read, you can subscribe via email, or share it.
I was born and raised in Italy and I currently live in the US and I am a manager at FamilySearch International. I am married to Giovanna and we have four children.
I had the opportunity to go to school in three different countries and I learned from each system something special. In Italy I completed high school and started college. Later, I received a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences at Universidade Estadual de Londrina, in Brazil, and finally a Master in Business Administration (MBA) and a PhD in Marriage, Family and Human Development from Brigham Young University (BYU) in the U.S.
I love making friends with people from many different cultures. And I also love reading, writing, and learning in general, and being outdoor and exercise, in part to compensate for all the good food that Giovanna prepares.
Giuseppe Martinengo