This page includes all General Conference talks, Leadership Training and RootsTech training sessions for member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints about Family History that I have found. There may be more.. If you know of any other talk or training (done by General Authorities), please let me know.
- General Conference 1971-present
- Leadership Sessions 2015- present
- Rootstech Church Members Sessions 2015-present
- Others
General Conference
- Great Love for Our Father’s Children Quentin L. Cook April 2019
- Let Us All Press On Russell M. Nelson April 2018
- Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing Dale G. Renlund April 2018
- Prepare to Meet God Quentin L. Cook . April 2018
- That Our Light May Be a Standard for the Nations . Benjamín De Hoyos . April 2017
- Gathering the Family of God . Henry B. Eyring . April 2017
- Don’t Look Around, Look Up! Yoon Hwan Choi . April 2017
- Where Are the Keys and Authority of the Priesthood? Gary E. Stevenson . April 2016
- “In Praise of Those Willing to Save Dieter F. Uchtdorf . April 2016
- Eternal Families . Henry B. Eyring . April 2016
- See Yourself in the Temple . Quentin L. Cook . April 2016
- The Sabbath Is a Delight . Russell M. Nelson . April 2015
- The Book . Allan F. Packer . October 2014
- Live True to the Faith William R. Walker April 2014
- Roots and Branches . Quentin L. Cook April 2014
- When You Save a Girl, You Save Generations . Mary N. Cook April 2013
- The Joy of Redeeming the Dead Richard G. Scott October 2012
- The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn David A. Bednar October 2011
- The Redemption of the Dead and the Testimony of Jesus D. Todd Christofferson October 2010
- Generations Linked in Love Russell M. Nelson April 2010
- Salvation and Exaltation Russell M. Nelson April 2008
- Faith of Our Father . Dieter F. Uchtdorf April 2008
- O Remember, Remember . Henry B. Eyring October 2007
- Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits . M. Russell Ballard . October 2007
- Constant Truths for Changing Times Thomas S. Monson April 2005
- Hearts Bound Together . Henry B. Eyring . April 2005
- We Did This for You Elaine S. Dalton . October 2004
- Roots and Branches . Russell M. Nelson . April 2004
- The Phenomenon That Is You James E. Faust . October 2003
- “Them That Honour Me I Will Honour” . James E. Faust . April 2001
- Born Again James E. Faust April 2001
- The Redemption of the Dead and the Testimony of Jesus D. Todd Christofferson . October 2000
- Be a Strong Link . David B. Haight . October 2000
- Resurrection Dallin H. Oaks . April 2000
- As Doves to Our Windows . Jeffrey R. Holland . April 2000
- Welcome to Conference . Gordon B. Hinckley . October 1999
- Strengthening Families: Our Sacred Duty . Robert D. Hales April 1999
- Bridges and Eternal Keepsakes Dennis B. Neuenschwander April 1999
- The Work Moves Forward Gordon B. Hinckley April 1999
- Live the Commandments . David B. Haight . April 1998
- New Temples to Provide “Crowning Blessings” of the Gospel Gordon B. Hinckley April 1998
- A New Harvest Time . Russell M. Nelson April 1998
- Understanding Our True Identity Carol B. Thomas . April 1998
- Search for Identity . Monte J. Brough April 1995
- The Spirit of Elijah . Russell M. Nelson . October 1994
- Exceeding Great and Precious Promises . Howard W. Hunter . October 1994
- Decisions . Gerald E. Melchin . April 1994
- Personal Temple Worship . David B. Haight . April 1993
- Redemption of the Dead . Earl C. Tingey . April 1991
- Linking the Family of Man . David B. Haight . April 1991
- Temples and Work Therein . David B. Haight . October 1990
- Redemption: The Harvest of Love . Richard G. Scott . October 199
- Covenants . Boyd K. Packer . April 1987
- Turning the Hearts . Hartman Rector Jr. April 1981
- Writing Your Personal and Family History . John H. Groberg . April 1980
- Eternal Links that Bind . A. Theodore Tuttle . April 1980
- The Heritage of Royal Families . Royden G. Derrick . April 1979
- Ours Is a Shared Ancestry . J. Thomas Fyans . October 1978
- Worthy of All Acceptation . Ezra Taft Benson . October 1978
- “Hold Fast to the Iron Rod” . Spencer W. Kimball . October 1978
- The True Way of Life and Salvation Spencer W. Kimball April 1978
- God Moves in a Mysterious Way His Wonders to Perform . LeGrand Richards . April 1977
- These Four Things . Robert L. Simpson . April 1976
- Relationships . William Grant Bangerter . April 1976
- The Message of Elijah . Mark E. Petersen . April 1976
- Family Research . Eldred G. Smith . October 1975
- Salvation for the Dead—A Missionary Activity . Theodore M. Burton . April 1975
- Do Not Procrastinate! Eldred G. Smith . October 1974
- Genealogy: A Personal Responsibility . Theodore M. Burton . October 1972
- “Having Been Born of Goodly Parents” . S. Dilworth Young . October 1972
- Why Do Latter-day Saints Build Temples? Eldred G. Smith . October 1972
- Elijah the Prophet . Howard W. Hunter . October 1971
Leadership Sessions / RootsTech
- Leadership Session 2019: Elder David A. Bednar
- Leadership Session 2019: Elder Gary E. Stevenson
- Leadership Session 2019: Elder Dale G. Renlund
- Leadership Session 2019: Panel Discussion
- Leadership Session 2018: Elder Bradley D. Foster
- Leadership Session 2018: Elder Hallstrom and Sister Jones
- Leadership Session 2018: Elder Kearon and Elder Nielson
- Leadership Session 2017: Elder M. Russell Ballard
- Leadership Session 2017: Elder Quentin L. Cook
- Leadership Session 2017: Elder Dale G. Renlund
- 2017 Family History Leadership Session
- Leadership Session 2016
- Full Session 2015: Elder Neil L. Andersen
- RootsTech 2015 – Gathering, Healing, and Sealing Families – Elder Foster, Sister Burton, Sister Oscarson, Brother Callister
RootsTech Sessions for Church Members
- 2019 RootsTech Sessions
- 2018 RootsTech Sessions
- 2017 RootsTech Sessions
- 2016 RootsTech Sessions
- 2015 RootsTech Sessions
- Elder Quentin L. Cook, “Our Father’s Plan Is about Families,” Feb. 2015
- President Thomas S. Monson, “Hastening the Work,” Ensign or Liahona, June 2014
- President Thomas S. Monson, “Reach Out to Rescue,” 2013