I am listing below all Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s talks, not just those that he gave when he was as a General Authority of the Church, but also those given by him before, with the links to the text, video, or audio available. If there are more that I have missed, please let me know and I will add them to the list.
Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s life
On 21 July 2004, Elder Neal A. Maxwell, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, passed away after an eight-year battle with leukemia. Elder Maxwell was 78 years old and had served as a General Authority for more than 30 years. He served as an Assistant to the Twelve, a member of the Presidency of the First Quorum of Seventy, and as an Apostle.
Born on 6 July 1926 in Salt Lake City, Utah, Neal Ash Maxwell was the oldest of six children. He grew up in a loving family with five uncles determined to make their first nephew into an all-state basketball player. Hoping to play on the famous Granite High School team, Neal worked very hard practicing his basketball skills. Unfortunately, he stopped growing at a critical time and would not reach his adult height until after high school. As he described later, not making the team was his “first real disappointment in life.”
After graduating from high school towards the end of World War II, Neal joined the army. He had a life-changing experience while in a fierce battle on Okinawa, Japan. During a battle, Neal’s mortar position was under fire. Three shells in a row had exploded, each closer to his foxhole than the previous one. He realized the enemy had determined his position. The next shell would land on top of him. He prayed “one of those selfish, honest prayers,” asking for protection from the next bomb. In his pocket he carried a copy of his patriarchal blessing that said his life would not be shortened and that he would not be deprived of fulfilling every assignment that was given to him in the premortal existence.
The shelling stopped. He later wrote: “I am sure the Lord answered my prayers. … The following night they began to pour shells in, but almost all of them were duds—either the ammunition had gotten wet or they were not exploding in the very thick, oozing mud. … I felt preserved, and unworthily so, but have tried to be somewhat faithful to that promise that was given at the time.”
After fulfilling his enlistment in the army, Elder Neal Maxwell was called to a full-time mission in the Canadian Mission, with headquarters in Toronto. After serving successfully, he returned to attend college and prepared to enter a career as an educator. He married Colleen Hinckley, and their family grew to include four children (Cory, Becky, Nancy, and Jane) and 24 grandchildren.
He was executive vice president at the University of Utah at the time of his appointment as the commissioner of education for the Church Educational System in 1970. He held that position for six years. He was called as an Assistant to the Twelve in 1974. In 1976 he was called to the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy, and in July 1981, he was called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
Known for his extensive vocabulary and elegant writing style, Elder Maxwell has always presented a challenge to translators. During one general conference, the translators had categorized each talk in levels of difficulty. All of the talks fit in levels one through four except Elder Maxwell’s. His talk was alone at level five.
President Gordon B. Hinckley said Elder Maxwell spoke “differently from any of the other General Authorities. He just has a unique style all his own. We all admire it.”
Towards the end of his life and while struggling with leukemia, Elder Maxwell had a sacred experience that he could only compare with what happened half a century before on Okinawa. The Spirit whispered, “I have given you leukemia that you might teach my people with authenticity.”
Elder Maxwell will be remembered for his stirring words as he acted as a special witness for Christ. (from the website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
- General conference 1974 – 2004
- BYU 1970 – 2004
- BYU–Idaho 1974 – 2004
- BYU–Hawaii 1988 – 1994
- Other 2002
General conference
- Response to a Call April 1974, Sunday afternoon session
- Why Not Now? October 1974, Friday morning session
- The Man of Christ April 1975, Sunday afternoon session
- “Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King” April 1976, Saturday afternoon session
- Notwithstanding My Weakness October 1976, Friday morning session
- The Women of God April 1978, Saturday morning session
- The Net Gathers of Every Kind October 1980, Saturday morning session
- “O, Divine Redeemer” October 1981, Saturday morning session
- “A Brother Offended” April 1982, priesthood session
- “Be of Good Cheer” October 1982, Sunday afternoon session
- “Shine As Lights in the World” April 1983, Saturday morning session
- Joseph, the Seer October 1983, Sunday morning session
- The Great Plan of the Eternal God April 1984, Saturday afternoon session
- “Out of Obscurity” October 1984, Saturday morning session
- “Willing to Submit” April 1985, Sunday afternoon session
- Premortality, a Glorious Reality October 1985, Saturday morning session
- “Called and Prepared from the Foundation of the World” April 1986, priesthood session
- “God Will Yet Reveal” October 1986, Sunday morning session
- “Overcome … Even As I Also Overcame” April 1987, Sunday afternoon session
- “Yet Thou Art There” October 1987, Saturday afternoon session
- “For I Will Lead You Along” April 1988, Saturday morning session
- “Answer Me” October 1988, Saturday afternoon session
- Irony: The Crust on the Bread of Adversity April 1989, Sunday morning session
- “Murmur Not” October 1989, Sunday afternoon session
- “Endure It Well” April 1990, Saturday afternoon session
- Put Off the Natural Man, and Come Off Conqueror October 1990, Saturday morning session
- “Lest Ye Be Wearied and Faint in Your Minds” April 1991, Sunday afternoon session
- Repentance October 1991, Saturday afternoon session
- “My Servant Joseph” April 1992, priesthood session
- “Settle This in Your Hearts” October 1992, Sunday morning session
- “Behold, the Enemy Is Combined” (D&C 38:12) April 1993, Sunday afternoon session
- “From the Beginning” October 1993, Saturday morning session
- “Take Especial Care of Your Family” April 1994, Sunday afternoon session
- “Brightness of Hope” October 1994, Saturday afternoon session
- “Deny Yourselves of All Ungodliness” April 1995, Sunday morning session
- “Swallowed Up in the Will of the Father” October 1995, Saturday afternoon session
- “Becometh As a Child” April 1996, Sunday afternoon session
- “According to the Desire of [Our] Hearts” October 1996, Saturday afternoon session
- “From Whom All Blessings Flow” April 1997, Saturday morning session
- “Apply the Atoning Blood of Christ” October 1997, Saturday afternoon session
- “Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel” April 1998, priesthood session
- Hope through the Atonement of Jesus Christ October 1998, Sunday morning session
- “Repent of [Our] Selfishness” (D&C 56:8) April 1999, Saturday afternoon session
- Lessons from Laman and Lemuel October 1999, Saturday morning session
- Content with the Things Allotted unto Us April 2000, Sunday afternoon session
- The Tugs and Pulls of the World October 2000, Saturday afternoon session
- “Plow in Hope” April 2001, Sunday morning session
- The Seventh Commandment: A Shield October 2001, Sunday afternoon session
- Consecrate Thy Performance April 2002, Saturday afternoon session
- Encircled in the Arms of His Love October 2002, Saturday morning session
- Care for the Life of the Soul April 2003, Sunday morning session
- How Choice a Seer! October 2003, Sunday afternoon session
- Remember How Merciful the Lord Hath Been April 2004, priesthood session
- Spiritual Ecology February 23, 1970
- Mormon Milieu October 23, 1971
- Family Perspectives January 15, 1974
- But for a Small Moment September 1, 1974
- Taking up the Cross January 4, 1976
- Insights from My Life October 26, 1976
- All Hell Is Moved November 8, 1977
- Meeting the Challenges of Today October 10, 1978
- Patience November 27, 1979
- In This Time of Complexity and Challenge April 21, 1980
- True Believers in Christ October 7, 1980
- Grounded, Rooted, Established, and Settled (Ephesians 3:17, 1 Peter 5:10) September 15, 1981
- Meekly Drenched in Destiny September 5, 1982
- Try the Virtue of the Word of God February 18, 1983
- If Thou Endure Well December 4, 1984
- Joseph Smith: “A Choice Seer” March 30, 1986
- Great Answers to the Great Question October 11, 1986
- “Meek and Lowly” October 21, 1986
- “A Wonderful Flood of Light” March 26, 1989
- The Children of Christ February 4, 1990
- “In Him All Things Hold Together” March 31, 1991
- The Inexhaustible Gospel August 18, 1992
- Provo 1993 Freedom Festival Fireside July 4, 1993
- Wisdom and Order August 25, 1993
- Out of the Best Faculty August 26, 1993
- “Called to Serve” March 27, 1994
- “Brim with Joy” January 23, 1996
- The Pathway of Discipleship January 4, 1998
- Sharing Insights from My Life January 12, 1999
- “Free to Choose” March 16, 2004
- The Family (MP3) February 26, 1974
- Commencement address (unavailable) April 25, 1978
- Guidelines For Righteous Living (MP3) October 9, 1979
- Grounded/Rooted/Established (MP3) April 7, 1981
- This Earth Life—A Testing Ground (MP3) March 9, 1982
- Commencement address (unavailable) April 19, 1984
- Part of Destiny (MP3) March 19, 1985
- Untitled (MP3) September 15, 1987
- Become Like God and Jesus Christ (MP3) October 16, 1990
- The Refreshing Of Mankind (video, MP3) October 21, 1997
- Remarks (unavailable) March 21, 2004
- Devotional address (video) February 9, 1988
- Devotional address (video) January 7, 1994
- The Precious Promise (PDF) 2002 at BYU Women’s Conference
Elder Maxwell also wrote a number of articles for the Church magazines. One of the great ones is “Becoming a Disciple” in the June 1996 Ensign. He also spoke at a number of symposia by BYU and other places. Some of his talks are published in collections of those symposia, or elsewhere.