The Book of Mormon Videos based on 2 Nephi–Enos will cover what prophets in the ancient Americas taught concerning the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This series of videos will take you on a journey through the promised land, where the prophet Lehi’s family settles and eventually separates into two opposing groups: the Nephites and Lamanites. God continues to call prophets—Nephi, Jacob, and Enos—to preach to the people.
Nephi teaches the doctrine of Christ and testifies that the people will prosper and live in happiness if they keep God’s commandments. Jacob prophesies of Jesus Christ and His Atonement and Resurrection.
He warns the people about their pride and asks them to seek the kingdom of God. Enos teaches how to pray mightily to God, be forgiven of sin, and pray for others. The Book of Mormon contains the words of Christ and teaches us to do good. If we believe in Christ, we will believe the scriptures’ words.
Based on 2 Nephi–Enos.
November 8: Lehi Gives His Family a Final Blessing | 2 Nephi 1–4
November 15: The Nephites Separate from the Lamanites | 2 Nephi 5
November 22: Jacob Teaches of the Atonement of Jesus Christ | 2 Nephi 6–10
November 29: Nephi Teaches the Doctrine of Christ | 2 Nephi 31–32
December 6: Nephi Records His Final Testimony | 2 Nephi 33
December 13: Jacob Teaches about Pride and Chastity | Jacob 2–3
December 20: Sherem Denies Christ | Jacob 7
December 27: Enos Prays Mightily | Enos 1