
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen – Holy Bible, Hebrews 11:1

Coronavirus: More Changes Made to Latter-day Saint Missionary Work. Sharing the Gospel Online

Coronavirus: More Changes Made to Latter-day Saint Missionary Work. Sharing the Gospel Online

In coming weeks, substantial numbers of missionaries will likely need to return to their home nations to continue their service...
Book of Mormon Videos (#17): Abinadi Testifies of Jesus Christ, Mosiah 11-18

Book of Mormon Videos (#17): Abinadi Testifies of Jesus Christ, Mosiah 11-18

King Noah does not keep the commandments of God. In fact, he has many wives and commits many sins. The king has replaced the Lord’s priests with new ones who...
We Can Worship In Our Homes. There Is No Need To Defy Authorities: The Example Of The Saints In Ghana

We Can Worship In Our Homes. There Is No Need To Defy Authorities: The Example Of The Saints In Ghana

Surely we need divine help now more than ever, but churches are not the only place where we can worship, especially in times of danger or persecution...
Additional Adjustments to the April 2020 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Additional Adjustments to the April 2020 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

As we would expect at this point, the leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made today further adjustments to the April 2020 General Conference. In a...
“Hear Him”: Missionary Work Doesn’t Stop 200 Years After Joseph Smith’s First Vision, Despite COVID-19

“Hear Him”: Missionary Work Doesn’t Stop 200 Years After Joseph Smith’s First Vision, Despite COVID-19

This year marks 200 years since Joseph Smith’s first encounter with Deity—known by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the First Vision...
Book of Mormon Videos:  Watch Behind the Scenes (3), Mosiah–Alma

Book of Mormon Videos: Watch Behind the Scenes (3), Mosiah–Alma

A behind-the-scenes look at the filming of the scenes from Mosiah–Alma. Cast and crew share insights about the production, its purpose, and what it means to them...
COVID-19: Lockdowns, Chaos at U.S. Airports, Biggest Killer Diseases, and a Message of Hope from President Nelson

COVID-19: Lockdowns, Chaos at U.S. Airports, Biggest Killer Diseases, and a Message of Hope from President Nelson

The chaos seems to be spreading around the world. Hysteria surrounding the coronavirus at times is out of control, like people fighting over toilet paper, and some of the solutions...
Role of Latter-day Saints Bishops and Stake Presidents in the Sacrament During Suspended Worship Meetings

Role of Latter-day Saints Bishops and Stake Presidents in the Sacrament During Suspended Worship Meetings

Unusual circumstances may result in the bishop occasionally giving authorization for a sacrament meeting to be held away from the meetinghouse...
Temporary Adjustments Made to LDS Temples Worship Around the World

Temporary Adjustments Made to LDS Temples Worship Around the World

Many governments have placed restrictions that have required the temporary closure of a number of LDS temples...
Book of Mormon Videos (#16): King Benjamin Addresses His People, Mosiah 1-5

Book of Mormon Videos (#16): King Benjamin Addresses His People, Mosiah 1-5

King Benjamin Addresses His People | Mosiah 1-5 Video A Book of Mormon prophet, King Benjamin, gathers his people to hear him preach the gospel of Jesus Christ one...
Gatherings of Latter-day Saints Temporarily Suspended Worldwide

Gatherings of Latter-day Saints Temporarily Suspended Worldwide

Beginning immediately, all public gatherings of Church members are being temporarily suspended worldwide until further notice...
COVID-19 is Setting the Stage For a Historic LDS April 2020 General Conference

COVID-19 is Setting the Stage For a Historic LDS April 2020 General Conference

We couldn't have imagined five months ago how the logistic of General Conference would be impacted by the spreading of the new health threat, the COVID-19 (coronavirus)...
Watch the New Trailer for Season 3 of the Book of Mormon Videos

Watch the New Trailer for Season 3 of the Book of Mormon Videos

Beginning March 13 and weekly every Friday except for conference and Easter weekends, new Book of Mormon videos covering the 221 pages of Mosiah through Alma will be released...
The Rome Italy Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Will Close Due to Coronavirus

The Rome Italy Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Will Close Due to Coronavirus

The Europe Area Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced Thursday that the Rome Italy Temple will close beginning Friday in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus...
Same-sex Romantic Behavior not Compatible with the BYU Honor Code: It’s Complicated

Same-sex Romantic Behavior not Compatible with the BYU Honor Code: It’s Complicated

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released a “clarifying statement” on the Honor Code for BYU and other Latter-day Saint schools today. The statement comes weeks after the...
Next Latter-day Saints Temples Open Houses and Dedications

Next Latter-day Saints Temples Open Houses and Dedications

When The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints builds a new temple, the sacred building is opened for public tours. Anyone can attend this open house, which usually lasts...
RootsTech 2020, Hosted by FamilySearch, Attracts Almost 30,000 People to Salt Lake City – Days in Reviews

RootsTech 2020, Hosted by FamilySearch, Attracts Almost 30,000 People to Salt Lake City – Days in Reviews

The 10th anniversary of the world’s largest family history event, RootsTech, held February 26–29, 2020, attracted nearly 30,000 people from all over the world to Salt Lake City...

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