What God teaches is called doctrine. God supplies doctrine for His children by way of commandments and instructions that will bless them and bring them happiness.
Just as He did in Old Testament times, God continues to reveal doctrine through prophets. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sometimes called Mormons, base many of their religious beliefs and actions on the understanding that God speaks to people.
What God teaches is called doctrine. God supplies doctrine for His children by way of commandments and instructions that will bless them and bring them happiness. Just as He did in Old Testament times, God continues to reveal doctrine through prophets today. Individuals are strongly encouraged to pray about revealed doctrine in order to receive personal confirmation that it is current and true.
A key point of doctrine for members of the Church is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of the world. Christ taught the doctrine of obedience and also repentance. Obedience shows a person’s love for God and a willingness to follow His commandments. Repentance is essential because all people are imperfect.
Repentance allows the mistakes of the past to be forgiven. Doctrine, like God, is constant and unchanging. Church policies and procedures may change over time, but doctrine does not.
The Doctrine of Christ
“We have seen of late a growing public interest in the beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is something we welcome because, after all, our fundamental commission is to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ, His doctrine, in all the world (see Matthew 28:19–20; D&C 112:28). But we must admit there has been and still persists some confusion about our doctrine and how it is established. That is the subject I wish to address today.
The Savior taught His doctrine in the meridian of time, and His Apostles struggled mightily to preserve it against a barrage of false tradition and philosophy.” —- Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The Doctrine of Christ (General Conference on April 1, 2012)
Read the full talk The Doctrine of Christ by Elder D. Todd Christofferson or watch the video below: