Last update: May 2022 Also see other collected talk by Church Leaders
President M. Russell Ballard has served as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints since October 6, 1985. He was set apart as Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles by President Russell M. Nelson on January 14, 2018.
He was born in Salt Lake City, Utah on October 8, 1928, to Melvin R. and Geraldine Smith Ballard. He attended the University of Utah.
As a young man, he served a mission to England where he was a counselor in the mission presidency. He has also served as a bishop twice.
In 1974, he was called as president of the Canada Toronto Mission where he was serving when called to the First Quorum of the Seventy in April of 1976. As a member of the Seventy, he supervised and trained leaders in his assigned geographic regions. He later served as a member of the Presidency of the Seventy from February 1980 to October 1985, overseeing the Church’s Quorum of the Seventy. Much of his ministry has been focused on missionary work.
Prior to his call as a full–time Church leader, Elder Ballard had interests in the automotive, real estate, and investment businesses. He has served on many Church and civic committees and boards.
He married Barbara Bowen in the Salt Lake Temple on August 28, 1951. They are the parents of two sons and five daughters (From the website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).
- General Conference 1978 – present
- CES Devotionals 2002 – present
- BYU 1978 – present
- BYU–Idaho 1978 – present
- BYU–Hawaii 2001 – present
- Ensign-College 2020-present
- Other 2001 – present
General Conference
- Spiritual Development October 1978, Sunday afternoon session
- You Can Be the Voice April 1980, priesthood session
- The Savior’s Touch October 1980, Saturday afternoon session
- Providing for Our Needs . April 1981, welfare session
- Teaching—No Greater Call April 1983, Sunday afternoon session
- Write Down a Date October 1984, Saturday morning session
- Prepare to Serve April 1985, priesthood session
- In Response to the Call October 1985, Sunday afternoon session
- The Kingdom Rolls Forth in South America . April 1986, Saturday morning session
- We Proclaim the Gospel . October 1986, Saturday afternoon session
- Keeping Life’s Demands in Balance April 1987, Saturday morning session
- Sacrifice and Self-Sufficiency October 1987, Sunday afternoon session
- God’s Love for His Children April 1988, Sunday morning session
- The Hand of Fellowship October 1988, Saturday afternoon session
- The Effects of Television April 1989, Sunday afternoon session
- Duties, Rewards, and Risks . October 1989, Saturday afternoon session
- Small and Simple Things April 1990, Saturday morning session
- Purity Precedes Power October 1990, priesthood session
- Teach the Children April 1991, Sunday afternoon session
- The Family of the Prophet Joseph Smith October 1991, Saturday morning session
- Be an Example of the Believers October 1991, general women’s meeting
- The Blessings of Sacrifice April 1992, Sunday afternoon session
- The Joy of Hope Fulfilled October 1992, Saturday afternoon session
- Keeping Covenants April 1993, Saturday morning session
- Strength in Counsel October 1993, Sunday afternoon session
- Equality through Diversity October 1993, General Relief Society Meeting
- Counseling with Our Councils April 1994, Saturday afternoon session
- Restored Truth October 1994, Sunday morning session
- Answers to Life’s Questions April 1995, Saturday afternoon session
- Hyrum Smith: “Firm As the Pillars of Heaven” October 1995, Saturday morning session
- Feasting at the Lord’s Table April 1996, Sunday afternoon session
- Faith in Every Footstep October 1996, Saturday afternoon session
- “You Have Nothing to Fear from the Journey” . April 1997, Sunday morning session
- Standing for Truth and Right . October 1997, priesthood session
- Marvelous Are the Revelations of the Lord . April 1998, Saturday afternoon session
- Are We Keeping Pace? October 1998, Saturday morning session
- Like a Flame Unquenchable . April 1999, Sunday afternoon session
- Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers . October 1999, Sunday morning session
- “How Is It with Us?” April 2000, Saturday afternoon session
- Now Is the Time . October 2000, Sunday afternoon session
- “His Word Ye Shall Receive” . April 2001, Sunday morning session
- Doctrine of Inclusion October 2001, Saturday afternoon session
- The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom April 2002, Sunday afternoon session
- The Greatest Generation of Missionaries . October 2002, priesthood session
- The Essential Role of Member Missionary Work April 2003, Saturday afternoon session
- Let Our Voices Be Heard October 2003, Saturday morning session
- The Atonement and the Value of One Soul April 2004, Sunday afternoon session
- Pure Testimony October 2004, Saturday afternoon session
- One More April 2005, Sunday morning session
- What Matters Most Is What Lasts Longest October 2005, Saturday afternoon session
- Creating a Gospel-Sharing Home April 2006, Sunday afternoon session
- O Be Wise October 2006, Saturday morning session
- The Miracle of the Holy Bible April 2007, Sunday morning session
- Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits October 2007, Saturday afternoon session
- Daughters of God April 2008, Sunday afternoon session
- The Truth of God Shall Go Forth October 2008, Sunday morning session
- Learning the Lessons of the Past April 2009, Saturday afternoon session
- Fathers and Sons: A Remarkable Relationship October 2009, priesthood session
- Mothers and Daughters April 2010, Saturday morning session
- O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One October 2010, Sunday afternoon session
- Finding Joy through Loving Service April 2011, Saturday afternoon session
- The Importance of a Name October 2011, Sunday morning session
- That the Lost May Be Found April 2012, Sunday afternoon session
- Be Anxiously Engaged October 2012, Saturday afternoon session
- “This Is My Work and Glory” April 2013, Saturday morning session
- Put Your Trust in the Lord October 2013, Saturday afternoon session
- Following Up April 2014, Sunday morning session
- Stay in the Boat and Hold On! October 2014, Sunday afternoon session
- The Greatest Generation of Young Adults April 2015, general priesthood session
- God Is at the Helm . October 2015, Saturday morning session
- Family Councils April 2016, Saturday afternoon session
- To Whom Shall We Go? October 2016, Sunday morning session
- Return and Receive April 2017, Saturday afternoon session
- The Trek Continues! October 2017, Sunday afternoon session
- Precious Gifts from God April 2018, Saturday morning session
- The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead October 2018, Sunday morning session
- The True, Pure, and Simple Gospel of Jesus Christ April 2019, Saturday afternoon session
- The True, Pure, and Simple Gospel of Jesus Christ April 2019, Saturday afternoon session
- Giving Our Spirits Control over Our Bodies October 2019, Sunday afternoon session
- Shall We Not Go On in So Great a Cause? – April 2020, Saturday morning session
- Watch Ye Therefore, and Pray Always – October 2020, Sunday morning session
- Hope in Christ – April 2021, Saturday afternoon session
- “Lovest Thou Me More Than These?”– October 2021, Saturday evening session
- Missionary Service Blessed My Life Forever – April 2022, Saturday morning session
- Remember What Matters Most – April 2023, Sunday afternoon session
CES Devotionals
- Be Strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might (MP3, video) 2002
- Follow the Doctrine and Gospel of Christ (video) 2010
- Be Still, and Know That I Am God 2014
- You—The Leaders in 1988 May 16, 1978
- “Is It Worth It?” September 2, 1979
- Abide in the Light of the Gospel October 21, 1980
- Let Us Think Straight November 29, 1983
- Future Challenges for an International Church November 8, 1984
- Choose to Serve January 5, 1986
- Keep the Commandments—Beginning Right Now! September 6, 1987
- Unlocking the Doors November 14, 1989
- Provo 1992 Freedom Festival Fireside July 2, 1992
- Anchor to the Soul September 6, 1992
- What Came from Kirtland November 6, 1994
- When Shall These Things Be? March 12, 1996
- A Light on a Hill August 27, 1996
- The Lord Has a Work for You to Do January 18, 2000
- “Here Am I, Send Me” March 13, 2001
- Be Strong in the Lord, and in the Power of His Might March 3, 2002
- The Sacred Responsibilities of Parenthood August 19, 2003
- Engaging Without Being Defensive August 13, 2009
- Follow the Doctrine and Gospel of Christ November 7, 2011
- “Let Us Think Straight” August 20, 2013
- Questions and Answers November 14, 2017
- Children of Heavenly Father – March 3, 2020
- Be Prepared (MP3) February 28, 1978
- Help Others Recognize Worth (MP3) . September 11, 1979
- Today–A New Beginning (MP3) . September 15, 1981
- Free Agency (MP3) October 23, 1984
- Keep Commitments to God (MP3) November 4, 1986
- Make Right Decisions (MP3) January 10, 1989
- Obedience to Standards Brings Peace (MP3) April 16, 1991
- Commencement address (unavailable) April 23, 1994
- Right To Choose (MP3) September 10, 1996
- Straight Thinking / Right Choices April 24, 2004
- Making Your Influence Felt April 11, 2008
- Commencement Address April 6, 2012
- The Lord’s Hand – December 18, 2019
- That We Might Know January 25, 2001
- The Price of Religious Freedom November 2, 2001
- Using New Media to Support the Work of the Church December 15, 2007
- Toward our Destiny – April 6, 2008
Ensign College
- Be Still, and Know That I Am God – November 3, 2020
- Here Am I, Send Me (PDF) 2001 at BYU Women’s Conference
- Raising the Greatest Generation of Missionaries (PDF) 2003 at BYU Women’s Conference
- Women of Dedication, Faith, Determination, and Action (PDF) 2015 at BYU Women’s Conference
- To the Saints of the Utah Salt Lake Area . September 11, 2016
- The Chapel: Our Sabbath Sanctuary June 27, 2017
- Face to FaceNovember 19, 2017
- Utah North Multistake Conference Broadcast October 28, 2018