As COVID-19 restrictions ease, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, following the lead of governments and healthcare professionals around the world is returning to normal operating procedures disrupted by COVID-19.
International travels by Church leaders are also beginning to increase in number again.
Three Latter-day Saint Apostles Begin Visit to Great Britain
President Ballard, Elder Holland and Elder Cook return to where they served as young missionaries
Three members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are ministering throughout Great Britain this week. President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, along with Elders Jeffrey R. Holland and Quentin L. Cook, are meeting with missionaries and members of the Church.
The leaders share a fondness for Great Britain, where they served as missionaries as young men. President Ballard arrived in 1948 and served for nearly two and a half years in what was then the British Isles Mission.
Elder Holland and Elder Cook served together as companions in 1962. This week, they are together in England for the first time since that service. (read the rest of the article here)

Elder Bednar Ministers in Amman, Jordan
Apostle and his wife and others begin week-long ministry in the region

In a country rich in biblical history, Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is meeting with Latter-day Saints and friends of the faith in Amman, Jordan, the first stop of his weeklong ministry to the Middle East and North Africa. This is Elder Bednar’s first visit to Jordan.
“We have traveled halfway around the world to be with you today,” said Elder Bednar as he provided guidance and encouragement to around 100 members and friends at a devotional held at the Amman Branch on Friday morning, October 22, 2021. It’s a diverse, multicultural branch that includes Jordanians and members from several other Middle Eastern countries, along with families of employees who work at various government embassies in Jordan. (read the rest of the article here)
Before the Pandemic: President Russell M. Nelson’s Global Ministry
In April 2020, an article and video on the Church Newsroom described how President Russell M. Nelson, since becoming the Church’s 17th president, had logged well over 115,000 miles — traveling to six continents, 32 nations and territories and 49 cities. Only the pandemic was able to slow him down a bit.