Last update: May 2022. Also see other collected talk by Church Leaders
I am listing below all Elder David A. Bednar’s talks, not just those that he gave when he was as a General Authority of the Church, but also those given by him before, with the links to the text, video, or audio available. If there are more that I have missed, please let me know and I will add them to the list.
Elder David A. Bednar
Elder David A. Bednar was ordained and set apart as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on October 7, 2004. Prior to his call to the Quorum of the Twelve, Elder Bednar served as an Area Seventy, Area Authority Seventy, Regional Representative, twice as a stake president, and as a bishop.
Elder Bednar was born on June 15, 1952, in Oakland, California. He served as a full-time missionary in Southern Germany and then attended Brigham Young University, where he received a bachelor¹s degree and a master¹s degree. He also received a doctoral degree in organizational behavior from Purdue University.
After completing his education, Elder Bednar was a professor of business management at Texas Tech University and at the University of Arkansas. He then served as the president of Brigham Young University-Idaho (formerly Ricks College) from 1997-2004.
Elder Bednar married Susan Kae Robinson in the Salt Lake Temple on March 20, 1975, and they are the parents of three sons.
- General conference . 2004 – present
- First Presidency Christmas devotionals . 2015 – present
- CES/Devotionals . 2007 – present
- BYU . 2001 – present
- BYU–Idaho . 1997 – present
- BYU–Hawaii . 1998 – present
- Ensign College . 1998 – present
- Other . 2011 . present
- Books by David A. Bednar
General conference
- In the Strength of the Lord . October 2004, Sunday morning session
- The Tender Mercies of the Lord . April 2005, Sunday afternoon session
- Becoming a Missionary . October 2005, priesthood session
- That We May Always Have His Spirit to Be with Us April 2006, Saturday afternoon session
- And Nothing Shall Offend Them October 2006, Sunday afternoon session
- Ye Must Be Born Again April 2007, Saturday morning session
- Clean Hands and a Pure Heart . October 2007, Sunday morning session
- Ask in Faith . April 2008, Sunday afternoon session
- Pray Always . October 2008, Saturday afternoon session
- Honorably Hold a Name and Standing April 2009, Sunday afternoon session
- More Diligent and Concerned at Home October 2009, Saturday morning session
- Watching with All Perseverance April 2010, Saturday afternoon session
- Receive the Holy Ghost . October 2010, Sunday afternoon session
- The Spirit of Revelation . April 2011, Sunday morning session
- The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn October 2011, Saturday afternoon session
- The Powers of Heaven April 2012, priesthood session
- Converted unto the Lord . October 2012, Sunday afternoon session
- We Believe in Being Chaste April 2013, Saturday afternoon session
- The Windows of Heaven October 2013, Saturday morning session
- Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease April 2014, Sunday morning session
- Come and See . October 2014, Sunday afternoon session
- Therefore They Hushed Their Fears . April 2015, Saturday afternoon session
- “Chosen to Bear Testimony of My Name” . October 2015, Sunday afternoon session
- Always Retain a Remission of Your Sins . April 2016, Saturday afternoon session
- “If Ye Had Known Me” . October 2016, Sunday afternoon session
- Called to the Work . April 2017, general priesthood session
- Exceeding Great and Precious Promises . October 2017, Sunday morning session
- Meek and Lowly of Heart . April 2018, Saturday afternoon session
- Gather Together in One All Things in Christ . October 2018, Saturday morning session
- Prepared to Obtain Every Needful Thing April 2019, Sunday afternoon session
- Watchful unto Prayer Continually October 2019, Saturday afternoon session
- “Let This House Be Built unto My Name” April 2020, Sunday morning session
- We Will Prove Them Herewith October 2020, Saturday morning session
- “The Principles of My Gospel” – April 2021, Sunday afternoon session
- With the Power of God in Great Glory – October 2021, Saturday afternoon session
- But We Heeded Them Not – April 2022, Saturday morning session
- Put On Thy Strength, O Zion – October 2022, Sunday morning session
- “Abide in Me, and I in You; Therefore Walk with Me” – April 2023, Sunday afternoon session
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
CES devotionals
- A Reservoir of Living Water (video) – 2007
- Things as They Really Are (video) – 2009
- That We Might “Not…Shrink” (D&C 19:18) – March 3, 2013
- A Welding Link – September 10, 2017
- “In the Strength of the Lord” October 23, 2001
- “Quick to Observe” . May 10, 2005
- A Reservoir of Living Water . February 4, 2007
- Learning to Love Learning . April 24, 2008
- Things as They Really Are . May 3, 2009
- “Walk In the Meekness of My Spirit” . August 28, 2017
- “That They Might Have Joy” . December 4, 2018
- “And When He Came to Himself” (video), June 17, 2020 (Transcript)
- “As Long as the World Shall Stand” (includes video), Jannuary 19, 2021
- “Look unto Me in Every Thought; Doubt Not, Fear Not” – April 16, 2021
- Gain Spiritual Intelligence . September 9, 1997
- Understanding the Importance of Scripture Study January 6, 1998
- Inaugural Response February 27, 1998
- Commencement address (unavailable) April 25, 1998
- Teach Them to Understand June 4, 1998
- In the Path of Their Duty . September 1, 1998
- Your Whole Souls as an Offering Unto Him January 5, 1999
- Commencement address (unavailable) April 24, 1999
- Commencement address (unavailable) June 2, 1999
- Understanding is a Wellspring of Life June 3, 1999
- Receiving, Recognizing, and Responding to the Promptings of the Holy Ghost . August 31, 1999
- Ye are the Temple of God January 11, 2000
- Come Unto Christ . January 29, 2000
- Commencement address (unavailable) April 22, 2000
- Commencement address (unavailable) . May 31, 2000
- I am the Light Which Shineth in the Darkness June 1, 2000
- According to Thy Faith August 29, 2000
- Turn Ye, Turn Ye Unto the Lord Your God January 9, 2001
- For Such a Time as This March 16, 2001
- Commencement address (unavailable) . April 28, 2001
- Commencement address (unavailable) June 6, 2001
- What Is Man, that Thou Art Mindful of Him? June 7, 2001
- Line Upon Line, Precept Upon Precept September 11, 2001
- Remarks . September 11, 2001
- In the Strength of the Lord . January 8, 2002
- Stand Ye in Holy Places . March 22, 2002
- An Anthem and the Light April 27, 2002
- Heartfelt and Willing Obedience . June 27, 2002
- Love Living Your Religion . August 23, 2002
- Faculty Address . August 27, 2002
- I Will Not Remove Mine Integrity From Me . September 10, 2002
- Moral Purity . January 7, 2003
- The Character of Christ . January 25, 2003
- Mother’s Weekend Welcome . March 21, 2003
- The Importance of Small and Simple and Ordinary Things . April 26, 2003
- Arise and Shine Forth . June 28, 2003
- Jacob Spori Building Dedication . August 22, 2003
- Exceedingly Valiant For Courage (Alma 53:20) . August 22, 2003
- Steadfast and Immovable (Mosiah 5:15) . September 9, 2003
- In a State of Happiness (Mormon 7:7) . January 6, 2004
- Your Walk Down Parley Street . April 24, 2004
- My Peace I Give Unto You . June 24, 2004
- Quick to Observe . August 20, 2004
- Brigham Young University-Idaho: A Disciple Preparation Center (DPC) . August 31, 2004
- Untitled (unavailable) . November 16, 2004
- Ricks Building & Gardens Dedication Remarks . February 18, 2005
- Inaugural Luncheon Remarks . October 11, 2005
- The Spirit and Purposes of Gathering . October 31, 2006
- Who’s on the Lord’s Side? Now is the Time to Show . July 30, 2010
- Wait Upon the Lord . December 17, 2010
- “Repeat Over Again … the Same Things as Before” . January 26, 2016
- God … Shall Consecrate Thine Afflictions for Thy Gain – December 16, 2020
- “That Ye May Believe”—Part 2 – October 30, 2022
- Devotional address (video) . April 30, 1998
- Developing Christlike Characteristics . January 30, 2003
- Devotional address (video) . March 1, 2005
- Converted unto the Lord (unreleased) . January 20, 2011
- Fear Not, I Am With Thee . December 15, 2012
ENSIGN college
- “Your Whole Soul as an Offering to Him” Omni 1:16 November 9, 1998
- Living in Revelation – January 31, 2023
- Seek Learning by Faith (PDF) February 3, 2006
- By Small and Simple Things Are Great Things Brought to Pass (PDF). 2011 at BYU Women’s Conference
- Face to Face May 12, 2015
- It Begins with You. September 19, 2017
- RootsTech Family Discovery Day 2019. March 2, 2019
- An Evening with a General Authority—Elder Bednar Discussion February 2020
- And When He Came to Himself (PDF) June 17, 2020 at BYU Law School Annual Review of Religious Liberty
- Ask, Seek, Knock September 12, 2021 Face to Face
- “Hear Him” in Your Heart and in Your Mind – April 21, 2020
- Understanding Religion as Essential — Reflections on the COVID-19 Crisis and the Place of Religion – October 14, 2020 at G20 Interfaith Forum
- “That Ye May Believe”—Part 1 – August 28, 2022 at University of Utah