Last update: May 2022 Also see other collected talk by Church Leaders
I am listing below all Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talks, not just those that he gave when he was as a General Authority of the Church, but also those given by him before, with the links to the text, video, or audio available. If there are more that I have missed, please let me know and I will add them to the list.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf was called as second counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on February 3, 2008. He served in that position until January 2018. He was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church on October 2, 2004. He has served as a General Authority since April 1994.
Elder Uchtdorf was born on November 6, 1940 in Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, to Karl Albert and Hildegard Opelt Uchtdorf. In 1947 his family became members of the Church in Zwickau, Germany. They fled to Frankfurt/Main in 1952 where he received an education in engineering. In 1959 he joined the German Air Force and served for six years as a fighter pilot.
In 1965 Elder Uchtdorf began working for Lufthansa German Airlines as a pilot. From 1970 until 1996 he flew as captain of the B737, Airbus, DC10, and B747. While also working as training and check captain, he received several management responsibilities. These positions included Section Chief Pilot B737, head of Lufthansa pilot school in Arizona, head of all cockpit crews, and finally Senior Vice President Flight Operations and Lufthansa Chief Pilot. He was also chairman of the Flight Operations Committee of the International Air Transport Association.
Dieter Uchtdorf and Harriet Reich married in 1962. They have two children, six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. With his call as an Apostle, the Uchtdorfs left their homeland and now live permanently in the United States.
Dieter and Harriet Uchtdorf enjoy outdoor activities, cherish the arts, and are happiest when spending time with their family. (Source: ChurchofJesusChrist.org)
- General conference 1994 – present
- First Presidency Christmas devotionals 2009 – present
- CES/Devotionals 2009 – present
- BYU 2003 – present
- BYU–Idaho 2001 – present
- BYU–Hawaii 2019 – present
- Other 2005 – present
General conference
- The Only True and Valid Basis October 1994, priesthood session
- The Global Church Blessed by the Voice of the Prophets October 2002, Saturday morning session
- The Opportunity to Testify October 2004, Sunday morning session
- The Fruits of the First Vision April 2005, Saturday afternoon session
- Christlike Attributes—the Wind beneath Our Wings October 2005, Sunday afternoon session
- See the End from the Beginning April 2006, priesthood session
- The Power of a Personal Testimony October 2006, Saturday afternoon session
- Point of Safe Return April 2007, Sunday afternoon session
- Have We Not Reason to Rejoice? October 2007, Saturday morning session
- A Matter of a Few Degrees April 2008, priesthood session
- Faith of Our Father April 2008, Sunday morning session
- The Infinite Power of Hope October 2008, Saturday morning session
- Lift Where You Stand October 2008, priesthood session
- Happiness, Your Heritage October 2008, General Relief Society Meeting
- We Are Doing a Great Work and Cannot Come Down April 2009, priesthood session
- The Way of the Disciple April 2009, Sunday morning session
- The Love of God October 2009, Saturday morning session
- Two Principles for Any Economy October 2009, priesthood session
- Continue in Patience April 2010, priesthood session
- “You Are My Hands” April 2010, Sunday morning session
- Your Happily Ever After April 2010, general Young Women meeting
- Of Things That Matter Most October 2010, Saturday morning session
- Pride and the Priesthood October 2010, priesthood session
- Your Potential, Your Privilege April 2011, priesthood session
- Waiting on the Road to Damascus April 2011, Sunday morning session
- You Matter to Him October 2011, Saturday morning session
- Providing in the Lord’s Way October 2011, priesthood session
- Forget Me Not October 2011, General Relief Society Meeting
- The Why of Priesthood Service April 2012, priesthood session
- The Merciful Obtain Mercy April 2012, Sunday morning session
- Of Regrets and Resolutions October 2012, Saturday morning session
- The Joy of the Priesthood October 2012, priesthood session
- Four Titles April 2013, priesthood session
- The Hope of God’s Light April 2013, Sunday morning session
- Your Wonderful Journey Home April 2013, general Young Women meeting
- Come, Join with Us October 2013, Saturday morning session
- You Can Do It Now! October 2013, priesthood session
- Are You Sleeping through the Restoration? April 2014, priesthood session
- Grateful in Any Circumstances April 2014, Sunday morning session
- Receiving a Testimony of Light and Truth October 2014, Saturday morning session
- “Lord, Is It I?” October 2014, priesthood session
- Living the Gospel Joyful October 2014, general women’s session
- On Being Genuine April 2015, general priesthood session
- The Gift of Grace April 2015, Sunday morning session
- A Summer with Great-Aunt Rose October 2015, general women’s session
- It Works Wonderfully! October 2015, Saturday morning session
- Be Not Afraid, Only Believe October 2015, general priesthood session
- In Praise of Those Who Save April 2016, general priesthood session
- He Will Place You on His Shoulders and Carry You Home April 2016, Sunday morning session
- Fourth Floor, Last Door October 2016, general women’s session
- O How Great the Plan of Our God! October 2016, Saturday morning session
- Learn from Alma and Amulek October 2016, general priesthood session
- The Greatest among You April 2017, general priesthood session
- Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear April 2017, Sunday morning session
- Three Sisters October 2017, general women’s session
- A Yearning for Home October 2017, Saturday morning session
- Bearers of Heavenly Light October 2017, general priesthood session
- Behold the Man! April 2018, Sunday afternoon session
- Believe, Love, Do October 2018, Saturday afternoon session
- Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart April 2019, Saturday morning session
- Your Great Adventure October 2019, Sunday morning session
- Come and Belong April 2020, Sunday afternoon session
- God Will Do Something Unimaginable – October 2020, Saturday afternoon session
- God among Us – April 2021, Saturday morning session
- Daily Restoration – October 2021, Sunday morning session
- Our Heartfelt All – April 2022, Sunday afternoon session
- Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Parents – April 2023, Saturday afternoon session
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
- Can We See the Christ in Christmas? 2009
- Seeing Christmas through New Eyes 2010
- Of Curtains, Contentment, and Christmas 2011
- The Good and Grateful Receiver 2012
- The Generous One 2015
- Scatter Your Crumbs 2017
- The Reflection in the Water (video) 2009
- What Is Truth? 2013
- The Adventure of Mortality January 14, 2018
- The Wind Beneath Your Wings . November 11, 2003
- Truth Restored . August 22, 2006
- As You Embark upon This New Era . April 23, 2009
- What Is Truth? January 13, 2013
- Can You Hear the Music? January 15, 2019
- Five Messages That All of God’s Children Need to Hear August 17, 2021
- Making Choices for Eternity March 13, 2001
- Moving Forward and Upward September 15, 2015
- The Freedom to Become March 1, 2020
- Gatherers of Light December 14, 2018
- Bright as the Sun, This Heavenly Ray Lights Ev’ry Land Today (PDF) . 2005 at BYU Women’s Conference
- My Timely 30-Year-Old Interview . June 21, 2017
- How I #HearHim – September 4, 2020
- Oklahoma/Kansas – October 17, 2021
- Teaching in the Savior’s Way with Elder Uchtdorf – June 2022