Last update: April 2023. Also see other collected talk by Church Leaders
Elder Neil Linden Andersen was named an Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 4, 2009.
Elder Andersen was serving as the senior member of the Presidency of the Seventy prior to his calling to the Quorum of the Twelve. He was named a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy in April 1993, at age 41. He previously led the work of the Church in southern Brazil and, again as a member of an area presidency, oversaw the Church in western Europe. He has also assisted in supervising the work of the Church in Mexico and Central America. In addition, he supervised Church audiovisual production, including the filming of The Testaments: Of One Fold and One Shepherd and managed construction of the broadcast facilities in the Conference Center as the executive director of the Church Audiovisual Department. He speaks French, Portuguese and Spanish in addition to his native English.
Prior to his call as a General Authority, Elder Andersen served as a mission president in the France Bordeaux Mission and as president of the Tampa Florida Stake.
Elder Andersen was born in Logan, Utah, and raised in Pocatello, Idaho, on a dairy farm where he remembers doing “typical Idaho farm work, from morning to night.”
He graduated from Brigham Young University, where he was a Hinckley Scholar, and earned a masters of business administration from Harvard University. After completing his education, he settled in Tampa, Florida, where his business interests included advertising, real estate development and health care.
Elder Andersen and his wife, Kathy Williams Andersen, are the parents of four children. (From the website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
- General conference – 1993 – present
- CES devotionals – 2007 – present
- First Presidency Christmas devotionals – 2022-present
- BYU . 2006 – present
- BYU–Idaho – 2000 – present
- BYU–Hawaii – 2006 – present
- Ensign College – 1998 – present
- Other – 2014 – present
General Conference
- “Whom the Lord Calls, the Lord Qualifies” . April 1993, Sunday afternoon session
- Prophets and Spiritual Mole Crickets . October 1999, Saturday morning session
- Beware of the Evil behind the Smiling Eyes . April 2005, priesthood session
- It’s True, Isn’t It? Then What Else Matters? April 2007, Sunday morning session
- You Know Enough October 2008, Saturday morning session
- Come unto Him . April 2009, Sunday morning session
- “Repent … That I May Heal You” October 2009, Saturday afternoon session
- Tell Me the Stories of Jesus . April 2010, Sunday afternoon session
- Never Leave Him October 2010, Saturday afternoon session
- Preparing the World for the Second Coming . April 2011, priesthood session
- Children October 2011, Saturday afternoon session
- What Thinks Christ of Me? April 2012, Sunday afternoon session
- Trial of Your Faith October 2012, Saturday afternoon session
- It’s a Miracle April 2013, Sunday morning session
- Power in the Priesthood October 2013, Sunday afternoon session
- Spiritual Whirlwinds April 2014, Saturday morning session
- Joseph Smith . October 2014, Saturday afternoon session
- Thy Kingdom Come . April 2015, Sunday afternoon session
- Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice October 2015, general priesthood session
- “Whoso Receiveth Them Receiveth Me” April 2016, Saturday afternoon session
- A Witness of God October 2016, Saturday morning session
- Overcoming the World April 2017, Saturday afternoon session
- The Voice of the Lord October 2017, Sunday afternoon session
- The Prophet of God . April 2018, Saturday morning session
- Wounded . October 2018, Sunday morning session
- The Eye of Faith . April 2019, Saturday afternoon session
- Fruit October 2019, Sunday afternoon session
- Spiritually Defining Memories – April 2020, Saturday morning session
- We Talk of Christ – October 2020, Sunday morning session
- The Personal Journey of a Child of God – April 2021, Saturday afternoon session
- The Name of the Church Is Not NegotiableOctober 2021, Sunday afternoon session
- Following Jesus: Being a Peacemaker – April 2022, Saturday morning session
- Drawing Closer to the Savior – October 2022, Saturday evening session
- My Mind Caught Hold upon This Thought of Jesus Christ – April 2023, Sunday morning session
First Presidency Christmas Devotionals
CES Devotionals
- Hold Fast to the Words of the Prophets (video) 2007
- Preparing for Your Spiritual Destiny (video) . 2010
- Seeing Through the Generations . May 16, 2006
- Hold Fast to the Words of the Prophets . March 4, 2007
- Preparing for Your Spiritual Destiny January 10, 2010
- Honesty–The Heart of Spirituality . September 13, 2011
- A Compensatory Spiritual Power for the Righteous August 18, 2015
- A Holier Approach to Ministering . April 10, 2018
- Time for the Savior at Christmas – December 7, 2021
- Allowing Your Faith in Jesus Christ to Guide Your Life – January 17, 2023
- Untitled (unavailable) October 17, 2000
- Patterns of Righteousness August 1, 2008
- Commencement Address: Wisdom, with a Large W April 10, 2009
- Complete Honesty, Unselfish Humility . February 14, 2017
- Who Are You Listening To? – April 7, 2022
- Gratitude for the Goodness of God November 16, 2006
- Live Younger, Think Older October 31, 2016
ensign college
- Grounded, Rooted, Established, Settled January 13, 1998
- I Thank Thee – November 19, 2019
- Our Prayer for Our Granddaughters (PDF) 2012 at BYU Women’s Conference
- Find Our Cousins! February 8, 2014 at RootsTech
- A Classroom of Faith, Hope, and Charity February 28, 2014 at CES instructor broadcast
- Single Adult Face to Face June 13, 2021