Last update: May 2022. Also see other collected talk by Church Leaders
I am listing below all Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s talks, not just those that he gave when he was as a General Authority of the Church, but also those given by him before, with the links to the text, video, or audio available. If there are more that I have missed, please let me know and I will add them to the list.
- General conference 1983 – present
- First Presidency Christmas Devotionals – 2020 – present
- CES/Devotionals 2004 – present
- BYU 1974 – present
- BYU–Idaho 1976 – present
- BYU–Hawaii 1985 – present
- Other 2007 – present
- Books
General conference
- Within the Clasp of Your Arms April 1983, priesthood session
- “He Loved Them unto the End” October 1989, Saturday afternoon session
- “Look to God and Live” October 1993, Saturday morning session
- Miracles of the Restoration October 1994, Saturday afternoon session
- Our Priesthood Legacy April 1995, priesthood session
- “This Do in Remembrance of Me” October 1995, Sunday morning session
- A Handful of Meal and a Little Oil April 1996, Saturday afternoon session
- “The Peaceable Things of the Kingdom” October 1996, Sunday afternoon session
- “Because She Is a Mother” April 1997, Saturday afternoon session
- “He Hath Filled the Hungry with Good Things” October 1997, Sunday morning session
- “A Teacher Come from God” April 1998, Saturday afternoon session
- Personal Purity October 1998, Sunday afternoon session
- The Hands of the Fathers April 1999, Saturday morning session
- “An High Priest of Good Things to Come” October 1999, Saturday afternoon session
- As Doves to Our Windows April 2000, Sunday afternoon session
- “Sanctify Yourselves” October 2000, priesthood session
- “Witnesses unto Me” April 2001, Saturday morning session
- “Like a Watered Garden” October 2001, Saturday afternoon session
- The Other Prodigal April 2002, Sunday morning session
- Called to Serve October 2002, Saturday afternoon session
- A Prayer for the Children April 2003, Sunday afternoon session
- The Grandeur of God October 2003, Sunday morning session
- “Abide in Me” April 2004, Saturday afternoon session
- Prophets, Seers, and Revelators October 2004, Saturday morning session
- Our Most Distinguishing Feature April 2005, priesthood session
- To Young Women October 2005, Saturday afternoon session
- Broken Things to Mend April 2006, Sunday morning session
- Prophets in the Land Again October 2006, Sunday afternoon session
- The Tongue of Angels April 2007, Saturday morning session
- The Only True God and Jesus Christ Whom He Hath Sent October 2007, Saturday afternoon session
- “My Words … Never Cease” April 2008, Sunday afternoon session
- The Ministry of Angels October 2008, Saturday afternoon session
- None Were with Him April 2009, Sunday morning session
- Safety for the Soul October 2009, Sunday afternoon session
- Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul April 2010, Saturday afternoon session
- Because of Your Faith October 2010, Saturday morning session
- An Ensign to the Nations April 2011, Sunday afternoon session
- We Are All Enlisted October 2011, priesthood session
- The Laborers in the Vineyard April 2012, Saturday afternoon session
- The First Great Commandment October 2012, Sunday morning session
- “Lord, I Believe” April 2013, Sunday afternoon session
- Like a Broken Vessel October 2013, Saturday afternoon session
- The Cost—and Blessings—of Discipleship April 2014, Saturday morning session
- Are We Not All Beggars? October 2014, Saturday afternoon session
- Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet April 2015, Sunday morning session
- Behold Thy Mother October 2015, Saturday afternoon session
- Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Wonders among You April 2016, Sunday afternoon session
- Emissaries to the Church October 2016, general priesthood session
- Songs Sung and Unsung April 2017, Saturday afternoon session
- Be Ye Therefore Perfect—Eventually October 2017, Saturday morning session
- “Be With and Strengthen Them” April 2018, Sunday afternoon session
- The Ministry of Reconciliation October 2018, Sunday morning session
- Behold the Lamb of God April 2019, Saturday afternoon session
- The Message, the Meaning, and the Multitude – October 2019, Saturday morning session
- A Perfect Brightness of Hope – April 2020, Sunday morning session
- Waiting on the Lord. October 2020, Sunday afternoon session
- Not as the World Giveth – April 2021, Saturday afternoon session
- The Greatest Possession – October 2021, Saturday morning session
- Fear Not: Believe Only! – April 2022, Saturday afternoon session
First Presidency Christmas devotionals
- The Dreams of Bethlehem December 6, 2020
CES devotionals
- Terror, Triumph, and a Wedding Feast (PDF, MP3, video) – 2004
- Lessons from Liberty Jail (video) – 2008
- Israel, Israel, God Is Calling – 2012
- The Institute Journey: To Take or Be Taken? – March 7, 2021
- Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults – January 2023
- Borne Upon Eagles’ Wings June 2, 1974
- Call upon God August 20, 1974
- Remembered and Nourished by the Good Word of God September 26, 1976
- Soul-Butter and Hogwash: Mark Twain and Frontier Religion March 8, 1977
- “Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall”: A Look at the “Me Decade” February 20, 1979
- For Times of Trouble March 18, 1980
- “That Our Children May Know” August 25, 1981
- A Robe, a Ring, and a Fatted Calf January 31, 1984
- Nailing Our Colors to the Mast September 10, 1985
- Oh, Lord, Keep My Rudder True January 21, 1986
- The Bitter Cup and the Bloody Baptism January 13, 1987
- “Who We Are and What God Expects Us to Do” September 15, 1987
- Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments January 12, 1988
- At Their Most Enlightened and Alert September 6, 1988
- The Will of the Father January 17, 1989
- “Come unto Me” March 2, 1997
- “Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidence” March 2, 1999
- How Do I Love Thee? February 15, 2000
- Terror, Triumph, and a Wedding Feast September 12, 2004
- Lessons from Liberty Jail September 7, 2008
- “Remember Lot’s Wife”: Faith Is for the Future January 13, 2009
- Religion: Bound by Loving Ties August 16, 2016
- Banishing All Shadows April 26, 2018
- The Second Half of the Second Century of Brigham Young University August 23, 2021
- “A Saint Through the Atonement of Christ the Lord” January 18, 2022
- Do As You Have Been Commanded—Even the Easy Things (MP3) September 21, 1976
- The Glory of God Is Intelligence/Make the Most of Your Education (MP3) September 13, 1977
- When Making Decisions, Trust In God (MP3) November 15, 1977
- Priesthood: A Divine Calling of Manhood (MP3) February 14, 1978
- Untitled (MP3) March 13, 1979
- Untitled (unavailable) February 11, 1980
- Will We Finish The Temple Brother Brigham? (MP3) March 10, 1981
- Today, The Most Important Time of Your Life (MP3) November 2, 1982
- If Your Testimony is Not Strong Lean on Mine (MP3) March 6, 1984
- Importance of Education (MP3) October 10, 1989
- Be Faithful Be Close to God (MP3) February 15, 1994
- Christmas Comfort (video, MP3) December 1, 1998
- The Third Great Commandment and Other Thoughts April 23, 2005
- Zion Revisited December 20, 2006
- Living after the Manner of Happiness September 23, 2014
- Lean Into the Wind September 15, 2015
- Remember April 12, 2019
- Devotional address (video) January 11, 1985
- Devotional address (video) November 7, 1986
- Devotional address (video) January 5, 1989
- Devotional address (video) November 18, 1993
- A Parable of BYU–Hawaii December 17, 2011
- Zion: Temples of Learning and Temples of Faith October 23, 2019
- To Every Thing There is a Season May 12, 2020
- A Historic and Special Day October 19, 2021
- Therefore, What? August 8, 2000
- What Time Is This? (PDF) 2007 at BYU Women’s Conference
- Face to Face March 8, 2016
- Face to Face March 4, 2017
- Bearing One Another’s Burdens June 21, 2017
- The Measure of the Stature of the Fulness of Christ February 9, 2020
- How I #HearHim November 8, 2020
- Witness for His Names
- To My Friends: Messages of Counsel and Comfort
- Christ and the New Covenant: The Messianic Message of the Book of Mormon
- Broken Things to Mend
- Trusting Jesus
- For Times of Trouble : Spiritual Solace from the Psalms
Jeffrey R. Holland
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland was ordained a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on June 23, 1994. At the time of this call, Elder Holland was serving as a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy to which he had been called on April 1, 1989.
From 1980 until his call as a General Authority in 1989 Jeffrey R. Holland served as the ninth president of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. He is a former Church commissioner of education and dean of the College of Religious Education at BYU.
Elder Holland was a student leader and varsity athlete at Dixie High School and Dixie College in his native St. George, Utah. He received his bachelor and master degrees in English and religious education, respectively, from Brigham Young University. He also obtained master and doctor of philosophy degrees in American Studies from Yale University.
Elder Holland was active in professional educational activity prior to his call to full‑time Church service. He served as president of the American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities (AAPICU), on the board of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU), and as a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) Presidents Commission. For his work in improving understanding between Christians and Jews he was given the “Torch of Liberty” award by the Anti‑Defamation League of B’Nai B’rith. He has served on the governing boards of a number of civic and business‑related corporations and is the author of 15 books, 2 of which he co-authored with his wife, Patricia.
Elder Holland was born December 3, 1940, to Frank D. and Alice Bentley Holland. In 1963, he married Patricia Terry. They are the parents of Matthew, Mary Alice, and David, the parents-in-law of Paige, Lee, and Jeanne, and the grandparents of 13 grandchildren and one great- grandchild. (from the website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)