In the morning I have received this email from FamilySearch.
Dear Friends,
Many people around the world are staying home and at a safe distance from each other to slow the spread of COVID-19. This is a crucial time to combine our efforts to build and strengthen meaningful connections.
We have an opportunity to provide comfort and healing to those who may feel vulnerable or alone. Sharing common experiences with others can bring us closer.
FamilySearch provides a number of simple activities for all ages that are designed to bridge the distance between loved ones. These activities can be done with those closest to us at home or through social media. You can find activities to enjoy at FamilySearch.org/discovery.
We will continue to add new activities to help inspire you and those you love. I invite you to check FamilySearch.org regularly to see what’s new.
We wish you peace and joy as you connect with those closest to you.
Warmest Regards,
Steve Rockwood, FamilySearch CEO
I followed the link and tried a few of the Family History Activities suggested:
Family History Activities
In-Home and online activities designed for the whole family. It’s family history in a whole new way!
Where am I from?
The first suggested activity is called: “Where am I from? “

Where am I from? Where in the world did you come from?

I knew that all of my relatives came from Italy, and only my father was born in Asmara, Eritrea, from Italian parents. There weren’t any real surprises for me because my tree doesn’t connect yet with other people’s trees. But others may find interesting new information.
All About Me
The second suggested activity is called “All About Me”. What is special about your name and birth year? (See how much you know about the year you were born and more).

From this activity I learned, among other things, that there are 100 people in the US with my same surname: Martinengo.

Links to the other activities
Follow a list of links to the other activities. Enjoy!
Compare-a-Face. Compare your face to your relatives’ faces, and see whom you most resemble.
Record My Story. Tell your stories and the stories of your family.
Picture My Heritage. Connect to your heritage.
Add your face to historical photos.
Ancestor Challenge. Take a quiz to see how well you know those who came before you.