The free genealogy website has added 20 new languages since August, becoming the world’s largest genealogical service available to anyone in 30 total languages. The website has been available in 10 languages (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish) since it first launched in 2007.

FamilySearch users can create free accounts, build family trees, explore billions of genealogical records and add family memories and artifacts using any of the 30 languages below. FamilySearch’s Family Tree mobile app is available on iOS and Android if the language being used is supported on a user’s device.

RootsTech Connect 2021 is a new, free, all–virtual global event held February 25–27, 2021.

Anyone visiting with a web browser set to one of the new languages can automatically navigate the site in that language. Otherwise, users can select their preferred language from the list of choices in the site’s language setting at the bottom of is a nonprofit, volunteer-driven organization sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Languages supported by

(read more in the Church Newsroom)

RootsTech Connect, February 25 – 27, 2021 at

You may only be “one”, but you are vitally important. One part of humanity, one part of a family, one part of a worldwide story. Because together, everyONE matters. Every ONE makes all the difference. You can celebrate the unique contributions you make by joining RootsTech Connect, February 25 – 27, 2021 at

RootsTech Connect 2021 will enable attendees to participate from around the world and will feature inspiring keynote speakers, dozens of classes in multiple languages, and a virtual marketplace. Reserve your place today at

RootsTech Connect 2021 will be global in scope while offering many experiences that attendees have come to know and love from RootsTech events—including inspirational keynote speakers, dozens of classes to choose from, and an expo hall.  

Throughout the three-day online event, attendees will have the ability to interact with presenters, exhibitors, and other attendees through live chat and question and answer sessions. Classes will be taught in many languages, and presenters will teach from a number of international locations. 


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