The Church News recently published two articles about 32 of the Mission Presidents that have been called by the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to serve starting in July 2021.
Read more: See the complete list of 130 new mission presidents and companions called for 2020
Ronald Barcellos, 45, and Karin Barcellos, three children, Lake Nona Ward, Orlando Florida Stake: Portugal Lisbon Mission, succeeding President Brent D. Fillmore and Sister Joan W. Fillmore. Brother Barcellos is a former stake presidency counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, bishopric counselor, high priests group leader, elders quorum president and missionary in the Brazil Porto Alegre North Mission. He was born in São Paulo, Brazil, to Sérgio Barcellos Silveira and Marcia Maldonado Barcellos Silveira.
Sister Barcellos is a Primary teacher and former stake Young Women president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, ward Young Women presidency counselor and Young Women activity specialist. She was born in São Paulo, Brazil, to Norberto Augusto Albino Junior and Glória Spat Albino.
Ronald Barcellos, 45, and Karin Barcellos, three children, Lake Nona Ward, Orlando Florida Stake: Portugal Lisbon Mission, succeeding President Brent D. Fillmore and Sister Joan W. Fillmore. Brother Barcellos is a former stake presidency counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, bishopric counselor, high priests group leader, elders quorum president and missionary in the Brazil Porto Alegre North Mission. He was born in São Paulo, Brazil, to Sérgio Barcellos Silveira and Marcia Maldonado Barcellos Silveira
Read about the other 15 mission presidents here (Feb 13):
16 new mission presidents and companions who were recently called
Baquedano, 49, and Olga Baquedano, four children, Las Palmeras Ward, Palermo Honduras Stake: Honduras Comayaguela Mission, succeeding President Marvin E. Mejía Casasola and Sister Diana E. Hernández de Mejía. Brother Baquedano is a mission presidency counselor and former stake president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, bishopric counselor, elders quorum president, district executive secretary and missionary in the Panama Panama City Mission. He was born in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, to Juan Blas Baquedano and Juana Ayala Meija
Sister Baquedano is a Primary music leader and former stake choir director, stake music director, ward Relief Society president, Relief Society visiting teaching district supervisor, Gospel Doctrine teacher, ward music director, ward pianist, seminary teacher and missionary in the Honduras Tegucigalpa Mission. She was born in El Progreso Yoro, Honduras, to Ubaldo Cruz Moncada and Maria Lopez Aguilar.
Read about the other 15 mission presidents here (Feb 7):
16 new mission presidents and companions who were recently called
More Details About 48 New Latter-day Saints Mission Presidents recently called