Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.
—First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
In 1995, leadership from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” a document outlining Mormon beliefs on families.
Its purpose is to clearly “proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children,” as well as define important beliefs about the family’s eternal nature, the sacredness of marriage, and parental roles and responsibilities.

This document is now 24 years old and many things have happened since the day it was read for the first time. Several challenges to the institution of marriage have arisen since the publication of the family proclamation.
The document defends marriage between a man and a woman “as an issue of moral imperative” and clearly is even less popular today than it was 24 years ago among some segments of our society.
The vital importance of marriage, it notes, was established and ordained of God before the beginning of the world. In Matthew 19:4–5, the Lord declared, “Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?”
I have seen many changes in beliefs and attitudes in our societies, since I was a young person, living in Italy. While some of these changes were positive, others were not. When I first heard about this document 24 years ago, I was slightly surprised because to me was “obvious” that marriage should be between a man and a woman. But now, 24 years later, I can see even more clearly the wisdom and inspiration of those who issued this document. It is not obvious anymore, that the Lord wants marriage to be between a man and a woman, and there is a need for clarity on this issue.
In our current society, many are confused about these principles, and while tolerance and courtesy should be always shown to those who think differently, the Lord wants us to have the courage to take a stand and defend the correct principles. We should not be afraid to defend what we believe, even if this means to be unpopular.
Thanks for this super short and beautiful article.
I’d like to share a brief story with you about my experience with this document. In 2008 during Proposition 8, armed with very little knowledge about marriage, and really only a whispering feeling inside of me, I felt prompted to protect the traditional institution of marriage with my time and effort – even while in the final arduous semesters of college. And so I became an activist.
As I was challenged by opponents to my understanding of traditional marriage, I felt pushed to research more in books, statistics and studies, and Online. I learned more about society, law, and science along the way. I grew in my understanding of marriage and its vital role in both society and religion. The more I learned through scholarly-type research and observance, the more I also realized the vitalness of protecting it as a societal virtue and law.
I had heard about this document “The Family: a Proclamation to The World”, but had never in my life read it. I don’t know why – but I just never did. Instead, I had just followed what was being whispered to my soul as I learned, was challenged, and as I learned more. I shared my findings and newly reinforced viewpoints increasingly by the natural law and God’s laws.
So, after hearing about this “Family Proclamation” document, I decided one day (probably five years or so into my activist efforts and intense study of “traditional marriage”) to find a quiet place to sit down and read it.
As I read through this one-page document, I realized – this is the same testimony I had gained on my own – through my own independent journey; it literally matched concept-to-concept as if I had those very same words indelibly written on my heart. As I read, I became filled with assurance and confirmation that drove me to tears. I had gained a second and third witness of what I had already come to know on my own.
This document is the doctrine of Christ concerning the human family. It’s God’s will given to man through prophetic means – endorsed unanimously by both the First Presidency and the Quorum of the 12 Apostles.
And it’s important to read what you write before clicking the submit button… .
In place of “I shared my findings and newly reinforced viewpoints increasingly by the natural law and God’s laws”, I would change that to “I shared my findings and newly formed viewpoints, reinforced increasingly by a developing understanding of natural law and God’s laws.”
Than you for you beautiful and longer reply, Joseph!