Update on December 7, 2020: Beginning December 14, 2020, one temple will begin Phase 1 of reopening and four temples will begin Phase 2. As early as December 21, 2020, four temples will begin Phase 3. See a full list of temples and their status as of December 14, 2020.
Phase 3: Open for all ordinances with restrictions
- Continue performing ordinances for living individuals
- Perform limited ordinances on behalf of deceased individuals
- Open patron housing, clothing and cafeteria operations as needed
Read more details about Phase 3 of temple operations.
Today, church leaders announced that temple work for the dead may resume as soon as Dec. 21 on a by-appointment basis at four temples in:
Since May 2020, temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been reopening in a cautious, careful way, in four phases and based on local circumstances and governmental restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Temples in the first three phases are operating on a limited basis. Key precautions are in place for temple workers and patrons, including masks worn at all times, limited numbers of patrons in the temple at a time, minimal staff in the temple, sanitization after each temple ceremony, careful social distancing and seating arrangements, and temperature checks at the entrance.
The four phases of opening reduce risk, accommodate the demand and capacity of the temple and observe health restrictions in the temple district.
See a full list of temples and their status as of December 14, 2020.
Temple, House of the Lord
Literally the house of the Lord. The Lord has always commanded His people to build temples, holy buildings in which worthy Saints perform sacred ceremonies and ordinances of the gospel for themselves and for the dead. The Lord visits His temples, and they are the most holy of all places of worship.
The tabernacle erected by Moses and the children of Israel was a portable temple. The Israelites used it during their exodus from Egypt.
The best-known temple mentioned in the Old Testament is the one built by Solomon in Jerusalem (2 Chr. 2–5). It was destroyed in 587 B.C. by the Babylonians and was restored by Zerubbabel about 70 years later (Ezra 1–6). Part of this temple was burned in 37 B.C., and Herod the Great later rebuilt it. The Romans destroyed the temple in A.D. 70.
In the Book of Mormon, the righteous followers of God were led to build and worship in temples (2 Ne. 5:16; Mosiah 1:18; 3 Ne. 11:1). Building and using a temple properly are signs of the true Church in any dispensation, including the restored Church in our day. The Kirtland Temple was the first temple built and dedicated to the Lord in this dispensation. Since that time temples have been dedicated in many lands across the earth.
- Who shall stand in his holy place, Ps. 24:3–5.
- Let us go up to the house of the God of Jacob, Isa. 2:2–3 (Micah 4:1–2; 2 Ne. 12:2–3).
- The Lord shall suddenly come to his temple, Mal. 3:1 (3 Ne. 24:1; D&C 36:8; 42:36).
- Jesus cleansed the temple, Matt. 21:12–16 (Mark 11:15–18; Luke 19:45–48).
- The Saints were commanded to build a temple in Missouri, D&C 57:3 (D&C 84:3–5).
- Establish a house of God, D&C 88:119 (D&C 109:8).
- The Lord chastened the Saints for failing to build a temple, D&C 95:1–12.
- I will not come into unholy temples, D&C 97:15–17.
- I have accepted this house, and my name shall be here, D&C 110:7–8.
- The Lord’s people are always commanded to build a house unto his name, D&C 124:39.
- The great work to be done in the temples includes the sealing of children to their parents, D&C 138:47–48.
- The great latter-day work includes the building of temples, D&C 138:53–54.