(#Ad) “Irresistible” by Adam Alter is a thought-provoking exploration of the pervasive and often insidious impact of modern technology on our behaviors and lives. The book delves into the captivating nature of digital devices, apps, and online platforms, shedding light on their intentional design to trigger addictive patterns of use. Alter delves into the psychological, social, and neurological mechanisms that make these technologies so alluring and difficult to resist.

Alter draws attention to the concept of “behavioral addiction,” a phenomenon where individuals become excessively engaged with digital activities to the detriment of their well-being and real-world interactions. He argues that the constant availability of gratification and the unpredictable rewards presented by social media, video games, and other digital experiences hijack our brain’s reward systems, leading to compulsive and often detrimental usage patterns.

The author also provides a historical context, tracing the evolution of these technologies and their increasing integration into our daily lives. He examines the rise of the smartphone and the subsequent explosion of apps and platforms that keep us hooked through clever design choices, such as infinite scrolling, push notifications, and personalized content recommendations.

“Irresistible” doesn’t solely point out the negative impacts of technology addiction; it also offers insights into how individuals, families, and society at large can address and mitigate the issue. Alter suggests practical strategies for regaining control over our tech usage, including setting boundaries, establishing “tech-free” zones, and being more mindful of the time we spend online.

Throughout the book, Alter emphasizes the need for awareness and responsible decision-making in an increasingly digital world. He encourages readers to critically examine their relationship with technology, understand the underlying mechanisms of addiction, and take steps to strike a healthier balance between digital engagement and meaningful real-life experiences.

In essence, “Irresistible” serves as a wakeup call, urging us to recognize the potential dangers of our digital dependencies while empowering us with the knowledge and tools to navigate the digital landscape in a way that enhances our lives rather than detracts from them.


(#Ad) Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked


Top 30 Best Quotes from “Irresistible” by Adam Adler


“Walter Isaacson, who ate dinner with the Jobs family while researching his biography of Steve Jobs, told Bilton that, ‘No one ever pulled out an iPad or computer. The kids did not seem addicted at all to devices.’ It seemed as if the people producing tech products were following the cardinal rule of drug dealing: never get high on your own supply.”

“To some extent we all need losses and difficulties and challenges, because without them the thrill of success weakens gradually with each new victory. That’s why people spend precious chunks of free time doing difficult crosswords and climbing dangerous mountains—because the hardship of the challenge is far more compelling than knowing you’re going to succeed.”

“Addiction originally meant a different kind of strong connection: in ancient Rome, being addicted meant you had just been sentenced to slavery.”

“In 2000, Microsoft Canada reported that the average human had an attention span of twelve seconds; by 2013 that number had fallen to eight seconds. (According to Microsoft, a goldfish, by comparison, has an average attention span of nine seconds.)”

“It’s hard to exaggerate how much the ‘like’ button changed the psychology of Facebook use. What had begun as a passive way to track your friends’ lives was now deeply interactive, and with exactly the sort of unpredictable feedback that motivated Zeiler’s pigeons. Users were gambling every time they shared a photo, web link, or status update. A post with zero likes wasn’t just privately painful, but also a kind of public condemnation: either you didn’t have enough online friends, or, worse still, your online friends weren’t impressed. Like pigeons, we’re more driven to seek feedback when it isn’t guaranteed.”

“In 2008, adults spent an average of eighteen minutes on their phones per day; in 2015, they were spending two hours and forty-eight minutes per day.”

“It isn’t the body falling in unrequited love with a dangerous drug, but rather the mind learning to associate any substance or behavior with relief from psychological pain.”

“Addictive tech is part of the mainstream in a way that addictive substances never will be.”

“They’re distracting because they remind us of the world beyond the immediate conversation.”

“It seemed as if the people producing tech products were following the cardinal rule of drug dealing: never get high on your own supply.”

“Most people spend between one and four hours on their phones each day—and many far longer.”



“Humans find the sweet spot sandwiched between ‘too easy’ and ‘too difficult’ irresistible. It’s the land of just-challenging-enough computer games, financial targets, work ambitions, social media objectives, and fitness goals. Addictive experiences live in this sweet spot, where stopping rules crumble before obsessive goal-setting. Tech mavens, game developers, and product designers tweak their wares to ensure their complexity escalates as users gain insight and competence.”

“One recent study suggested that up to 40 percent of the population suffers from some form of Internet-based addiction, whether to email, gaming, or porn.”

“There isn’t a bright line between addicts and the rest of us. We’re all one product or experience away from developing our own addictions.”

“It’s easy to look back at how little Freud and Pemberton understood of cocaine with a sense of superiority. We teach our children that cocaine is dangerous, and it’s hard to believe that experts considered the drug a panacea only a century ago. But perhaps our sense of superiority is misplaced. Just as cocaine charmed Freud and Pemberton, today we’re enamored of technology. We’re willing to overlook its costs for its many gleaming benefits.”

“There is one subtle psychological lever that seems to hasten habit formation: the language you use to describe your behavior. Suppose you were trying to avoid using Facebook. Each time you’re tempted, you can either tell yourself ‘I can’t use Facebook,’ or you can tell yourself ‘I don’t use Facebook.’ They sound similar, and the difference may seem trivial, but it isn’t. ‘I can’t’ wrests control from you and gives it to an unnamed outside agent. It’s disempowering. You’re the child in an invisible relationship, forced not to do something you’d like to do, and, like children, many people are drawn to whatever they’re not allowed to do. In contrast, ‘I don’t’ is an empowering declaration that this isn’t something you do. It gives the power to you and signals that you’re a particular kind of person—the kind of person who, on principle, doesn’t use Facebook.”

“Meanwhile, in 2015, there were 280 million smartphone addicts. If they banded together to form the ‘United States of Nomophobia,’ it would be the fourth most populous country in the world, after China, India, and the United States.”

“The problem isn’t that people lack willpower; it’s that ‘there are a thousand people on the other side of the screen whose job it is to break down the self-regulation you have.'”

“DNA evidence suggests that Neanderthals carried a gene known as DRD4-7R as long as forty thousand years ago. DRD4-7R is responsible for a constellation of behaviors that set Neanderthals apart from earlier hominids, including risk-taking, novelty-seeking, and sensation-seeking.”

“Tech isn’t morally good or bad until it’s wielded by the corporations that fashion it for mass consumption. Apps and platforms can be designed to promote rich social connections; or, like cigarettes, they can be designed to addict. Today, unfortunately, many tech developments do promote addiction.”

“It’s much easier to see the real changes between ten years ago and today than it is to imagine how different things will be ten years in the future. The illusion is comforting, in a way, because it makes us feel that we’ve finished becoming who we are, and that life will remain as it is forever. At the same time, it prevents us from preparing for the changes that are yet to come.”

“Internet Addiction Test Select the response that best represents the frequency of each behavior listed using the scale below…”

“Life is more convenient than ever, but convenience has also weaponized temptation.”

“Any nerve trouble, dyspepsia, mental and physical exhaustion, all chronic wasting diseases, gastric irritability, constipation, sick headache, neuralgia, etc. is quickly cured by the Coca Wine.”

“Coca is a most wonderful invigorator of the sexual organs and will cure seminal weakness, impotency, etc., when all other remedies fail.”

“So the Zeigarnik Effect was born: incomplete experiences occupy our minds far more than completed ones.”

“Irresistible traces the rise of addictive behaviors, examining where they begin, who designs them, the psychological tricks that make them so compelling, and how to minimize dangerous behavioral addiction as well as harnessing the same science for beneficial ends.”

“Most people spend between one and four hours on their phones each day—and many far longer. This isn’t a minority issue. If, as guidelines suggest, we should spend less than an hour on our phones each day, 88 percent of Holesh’s users were overusing…”

“Still, it’s important to use the term ‘behavioral addiction’ carefully. A label can encourage people to see a disorder everywhere…”

“In 2000, Microsoft Canada reported that the average human had an attention span of twelve seconds; by 2013 that number had fallen to eight seconds. (According to Microsoft, a goldfish, by comparison, has an average attention span of nine seconds.) ‘Human attention is dwindling,’ the report declared. Seventy-seven percent of eighteen- to twenty-four-year-olds claimed that they reached for their phones before doing anything else when nothing is happening.”


30 Key Concepts and Insights from “Irresistible” by Adam Adler


  1. Behavioral Addiction: Technology can lead to behavioral addiction similar to substance addiction, where users feel compelled to engage with digital devices or platforms.
  2. Design for Addiction: Tech companies use persuasive design elements like notifications and variable rewards to create addictive experiences that keep users engaged for longer periods.
  3. Instant Gratification: Digital platforms provide immediate rewards, such as likes and notifications, fostering a sense of instant gratification that encourages repeated use.
  4. Variable Rewards: Platforms use unpredictable rewards (likes, comments) to trigger dopamine release, fostering addictive patterns akin to gambling.
  5. Compulsive Scrolling: Infinite scrolling, designed to keep users engaged in a continuous feed of content, exploits our curiosity and habit formation.
  6. Digital Dopamine: Technology-induced dopamine release strengthens the drive to use digital devices and platforms, contributing to addictive behaviors.
  7. Smartphone Revolution: The proliferation of smartphones has transformed human interaction patterns, creating new challenges and opportunities in how we engage with technology.
  8. Superficial Connections: Social media interactions often lack the depth and emotional resonance of in-person connections, affecting mental well-being.
  9. FOMO: The fear of missing out on social events or updates drives compulsive tech use, as users strive to stay connected.
  10. Reduced Attention Spans: Prolonged exposure to digital stimuli can lead to shorter attention spans and difficulties maintaining focus.
  11. Mindless Multitasking: Frequent task-switching between digital activities can hinder cognitive performance and productivity.
  12. Digital Overload: Excessive screen time is linked to mental health issues like anxiety and depression, particularly among young people.
  13. Tech-Free Zones: Creating spaces or times without digital devices promotes healthier boundaries and encourages real-world interactions.
  14. Mindful Tech Use: Practicing mindfulness while engaging with technology helps users make intentional and conscious choices about their usage.
  15. Tech Detox: Taking breaks from technology allows individuals to recalibrate and reduce dependency on digital devices.
  16. Setting Limits: Establishing clear rules and time limits for tech usage helps prevent overindulgence and maintain a balanced lifestyle.
  17. Awareness of Persuasion Tactics: Recognizing how tech companies use design to manipulate behavior empowers users to make conscious decisions.
  18. Real-Life Experiences: Striking a balance between screen time and offline activities is crucial for overall well-being and meaningful experiences.
  19. Digital Literacy: Understanding the psychological impact of technology equips users to navigate the digital landscape more responsibly.
  20. Sustainable Tech Habits: Developing healthy tech habits involves conscious choices that prioritize well-being and meaningful engagement.
  21. Social Comparison: Social media encourages comparing one’s life to others, often leading to feelings of inadequacy and envy.
  22. Privacy Concerns: Balancing convenience and personal privacy requires critical consideration of data sharing and its implications.
  23. Digital Identity: Online personas may not accurately represent real selves, leading to a disconnect between virtual and physical identities.
  24. Parenting in the Digital Age: Navigating children’s tech use poses challenges, necessitating guidance on setting healthy boundaries.
  25. Corporate Responsibility: Tech companies have a responsibility to design products that prioritize user well-being over addictive engagement.
  26. Intergenerational Differences: Different generations have distinct tech usage patterns and perspectives, shaping the digital landscape.
  27. Work-Life Balance: Maintaining a healthy boundary between work and personal time in the digital age is essential for well-being.
  28. Digital Nomadism: Remote work and digital nomadism impact our relationship with technology, workspaces, and physical environments.
  29. Addiction Recovery: Strategies like gradually reducing screen time or seeking support can help individuals regain control over their tech habits.
  30. Collective Action: Societal responses, such as advocating for responsible tech use and regulation, can address the negative impacts of tech addiction.


About Adam Adler

Adam Alter is an author, psychologist, and professor known for his work on the intersection of psychology, technology, and behavioral economics. He has written extensively on topics related to human behavior, decision-making, and the impact of digital technology on our lives. Here’s a brief overview of his background:

Adam Alter is an Associate Professor of Marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of New South Wales and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Princeton University.

He has conducted research and published articles in various prestigious academic journals, focusing on topics such as behavioral economics, consumer behavior, and the psychology of addictive behaviors. His work often examines how individuals make choices, how they’re influenced by their environment, and how technology can impact their decisions and well-being.

(#Ad) “Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked” is one of his well-known works. In this book, he delves into the addictive nature of technology and its implications for society, drawing from psychological research and real-world examples.

Alter’s research and insights have been featured in popular media outlets, including The New York Times, The Atlantic, and NPR. He is recognized as an expert in the field of technology addiction, behavioral psychology, and the ways in which modern technology can reshape our behaviors and lifestyles.


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