I have asked ChatGPT what do the Mormons believe about Prophets, and I got a simple answer, then I asked to expand a couple of times and it has given me some more details. It has given me very basic information, but it is correct. Surely many repetitive writing jobs are in danger…
So, “”According to ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, based on the GPT-3.5 architecture …
Mormons, also known as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, believe in modern-day prophets who receive divine revelation from God. Mormons believe that God communicates with His children through prophets, just as He did in biblical times.
Mormons believe that Joseph Smith Jr. was a prophet called by God to restore the true church of Jesus Christ to the earth in the early 19th century. They also believe in a succession of prophets who have led the Church since that time, with the current prophet being considered the mouthpiece of God on earth.
Mormons believe that prophets are not infallible, but that they are called by God to lead and guide His people. They believe that the teachings and counsel of prophets are inspired by God and are meant to help individuals and families come closer to God and live happier, more fulfilling lives. Mormons believe that following the teachings of prophets is essential to living a righteous life and obtaining salvation in the afterlife.””
After requesting more information I got this:
“Certainly! Here are some additional details about what Mormons believe about prophets:
- Mormons believe that prophets are called by God to be special witnesses of Jesus Christ. They believe that prophets receive revelation directly from God, and that this revelation is essential for guiding the Church and its members in the right direction.
- Mormons believe that prophets have the authority to act in God’s name and perform sacred ordinances, such as baptism and temple sealing ceremonies. They believe that these ordinances are essential for salvation and exaltation in the afterlife.
- Mormons believe that prophets are not only called to guide the Church as a whole, but also to provide individual guidance and inspiration to members as needed. They believe that prophets have a deep understanding of the needs and challenges facing individuals and families, and that they can provide inspired counsel to help people overcome those challenges.
- Mormons believe that prophets are not infallible, but that they are human beings who make mistakes like everyone else. However, they believe that when prophets speak or act under the influence of the Holy Spirit, their words and actions are inspired and should be followed.
- Mormons believe that following the teachings of prophets is not just a matter of intellectual assent, but requires a personal commitment to living those teachings in everyday life. They believe that obedience to God’s commandments, as taught by prophets, is the key to spiritual growth and development.
Overall, Mormons view prophets as essential to their faith and to their relationship with God. They believe that the teachings and guidance of prophets are a source of comfort, inspiration, and direction in a complex and challenging world.”

The third time I got this:
“Certainly, here is some additional information about what Mormons believe about prophets:
- Mormons believe that prophets are called to testify of Jesus Christ and to help individuals and families come closer to Him. They believe that the prophet is God’s authorized representative on earth and that his teachings are essential for spiritual growth and development.
- Mormons believe that prophets receive revelation from God through the Holy Spirit. This revelation can come in many forms, including dreams, visions, and impressions. Mormons believe that prophets are able to receive revelation that is specific to the needs of the Church and its members, as well as revelation that applies more broadly to humanity as a whole.
- Mormons believe that prophets have the authority to act in God’s name and to perform sacred ordinances, such as baptism and temple sealing ceremonies. They believe that these ordinances are necessary for salvation and exaltation in the afterlife.
- Mormons believe that the teachings of the prophet are inspired by God and that they are relevant to the challenges and issues facing people today. They believe that the prophet’s counsel is meant to help people live happier, more fulfilling lives and to prepare them for the blessings of the afterlife.
- Mormons believe that following the prophet’s teachings requires a personal commitment to living the gospel of Jesus Christ. They believe that obedience to God’s commandments is essential for spiritual growth and development, and that following the prophet’s counsel is a key part of that obedience.
- Mormons believe that prophets are human beings and that they are not infallible. However, they believe that when a prophet speaks under the influence of the Holy Spirit, his words are true and should be followed. Mormons believe that the prophet’s teachings are consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ and that they help individuals and families come closer to Him.
Overall, Mormons believe that the prophet is an essential part of their faith and that his teachings are vital for spiritual growth and development. They believe that the prophet’s teachings are inspired by God and that they provide direction and guidance for the Church and its members. Mormons strive to follow the prophet’s counsel and to live their lives in accordance with the gospel of Jesus Christ.” ChatGPT. (2023, May 6). What do Mormons believe about prophets? [Response to a user question].
I am going to ask more questions to ChatGPT and learn what it knows….