by Giuseppe Martinengo | Nov 26, 2022 | Book of Mormon Videos, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Jesus Christ Declares the Name of His Church and His Doctrine – 3 Nephi 27 Jesus answers the prayer of the prophet Nephi and appears to him and the other disciples of Ancient America. The Lord tells Nephi that His Church will be known by His name, just as His...
by Giuseppe Martinengo | Nov 21, 2022 | Italiano, Video del Libro di Mormon
Gesù Cristo spiega come radunerà Israele, 3 Nefi 20–23 Gesù benedice e amministra il Suo sacramento agli abitanti dell’Antica America. Il Signore insegna loro che sono un residuo del casato d’Israele e che saranno radunati secondo l’alleanza del Padre. Gesù dice che...
by Giuseppe Martinengo | Nov 20, 2022 | Book of Mormon Videos, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Jesus Christ Prophesies of the Gathering of Israel, 3 Nephi 20–23 Jesus preaches of the gathering of Israel. He tells the Ancient Americans they are the children of the prophets and of the covenant and that the new Jerusalem will be established in their land. 1 And...
by Giuseppe Martinengo | Nov 17, 2022 | Italiano, Video del Libro di Mormon
I discepoli ministrano e Gesù Cristo prega per il popolo, 3 Nefi 19 Il profeta Nefi e i discepoli di Cristo vanno a radunare il popolo dell’Antica America, dichiarando che Gesù è apparso loro. Si celebrano dei battesimi e Gesù ritorna per mostrarsi di nuovo. Bambini e...
by Giuseppe Martinengo | Nov 14, 2022 | Book of Mormon Videos, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Disciples Minister and Jesus Christ Prays for the People, 3 Nephi 19 The prophet Nephi and the disciples of Christ go out to gather the people of Ancient America, declaring that Jesus has appeared unto them. Baptisms are performed and Jesus returns to show Himself...
by Giuseppe Martinengo | Nov 7, 2022 | Italiano, Video del Libro di Mormon
Gesù Cristo introduce il sacramento – Libro di Mormon: 3 Nefi 18 Gesù istituisce il Suo sacramento tra gli abitanti dell’Antica America. Il Signore benedice il pane e il vino e amministra il sacramento in ricordo del Suo corpo e del Suo sangue, che è stato...
by Giuseppe Martinengo | Nov 6, 2022 | Book of Mormon Videos, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Jesus Christ Introduces the Sacrament: 3 Nephi 18 Jesus establishes His sacrament among people of Ancient America. The Lord blesses bread and wine and administers the sacrament in remembrance of His body and His blood, which was shed for all people. The prayer,...