What Mormons Believe About the Godhead

What Mormons Believe About the Godhead

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’s first article of faith states, “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”...
What Is The Book of Mormon?

What Is The Book of Mormon?

Have you ever wondered how Mormons—properly referred to as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—got their nickname?...
What Happens After We Die According to The Church of Jesus Christ (or the Mormons)

What Happens After We Die According to The Church of Jesus Christ (or the Mormons)

Mormons—properly referred to as Latter-day Saints or members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—base their understanding of heaven and hell on teachings from the scriptures and from modern...
Bible Prophets, Mormon Prophets and Modern-day Prophets

Bible Prophets, Mormon Prophets and Modern-day Prophets

In essence, the prophet acts as a steward to oversee the household of God here on earth. Such periods of time headed by prophetic responsibility are called dispensations...
Baptism for the Dead – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Baptism for the Dead – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

You may have wondered about the Mormon practice called baptism for the dead. The members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do this work in temples throughout the...
Choosing Between Good and Evil – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Choosing Between Good and Evil – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Every day we all have choices that need to be made. Many of those choices do not have any lasting significance, but there are plenty that do. These choices—the decisions between...
The Word of Wisdom: A Health Code From the Church of Jesus Christ

The Word of Wisdom: A Health Code From the Church of Jesus Christ

The Word of Wisdom is a health code included in the Doctrine and Covenants, a book of scripture used by Latter-day Saints. The Word of Wisdom is most recognized for prohibiting...
What Happens to Our Bodies and Spirits after We Die?

What Happens to Our Bodies and Spirits after We Die?

When we die, our spirit and body separate. Even though our body dies, our spirit—which is the essence of who we are—lives on. Our spirit goes to the spirit world, which...
40 Quotes by Famous People about Life, Love and Success

40 Quotes by Famous People about Life, Love and Success

Sometimes we need inspiration to help us move forward and reach our goals, or perhaps redefine them. These are 40 quotes from famous people about life, love and success that may...
To Be Happier at Work, Focus on Relationships, not Just Deliverables

To Be Happier at Work, Focus on Relationships, not Just Deliverables

Having friends at work is not only essential to your personal happiness, but it’s key for having a successful career...
Joy, Money, Flow: Born for This by Chris Guillebeau

Joy, Money, Flow: Born for This by Chris Guillebeau

"Born for This: How to Find the Work You Were Meant to Do" explains why the people who are most successful have found the perfect combination of joy, money, and flow...
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: The Law of Magnetism (#9)

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: The Law of Magnetism (#9)

According to this law, who you attract is not determined by what you WANT, but by who you ARE...
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: The Law of Intuition (#8)

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: The Law of Intuition (#8)

"The Law of Intuition is based on facts plus instinct plus other intangible factors. And the reality is that leadership intuition is often the factor that separates the great leader from...
24 Top Quotes: How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It

24 Top Quotes: How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It

Men are right. The “relationship talk” does not help. This book explains how to achieve marital happiness: Love is not about better communication. It's about connection...
Are the Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mormons or Christians?

Are the Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Mormons or Christians?

Latter-day Saints are members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ and are Christians. Mormons is a nickname that comes from their belief in the Book of Mormon...
Hinduism and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Hinduism and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Hindus argue that their faith is timeless and has always existed, and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that their church is same church established by...
Historical Origins and Caste System in Hinduism

Historical Origins and Caste System in Hinduism

Akshardham Temple. Credit: Swaminarayan Sanstha  Historical Origins of Hinduism The story of Hinduism began around the time Moses was leading the children of Israel out of Egypt or more than fifteen...
Comparison Between Eastern and Western Thought by a Hindu Student

Comparison Between Eastern and Western Thought by a Hindu Student

Comparison between Eastern and Western thought made by Hari N. Dam, a Hindu and former student at the University of Minnesota...
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson – Review and Quotes

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B. Peterson – Review and Quotes

12 Rules for Life is a book by Canadian clinical psychologist and professor Jordan Peterson. It uses ideas and examples from history, religion, psychology, mythology, science, and philosophy to give advise...
President Russell M. Nelson’s 2 Talks About the Correct Name of the Church of Jesus Christ

President Russell M. Nelson’s 2 Talks About the Correct Name of the Church of Jesus Christ

If we will do our best to restore the correct name of the Lord’s Church, He whose Church this is will pour down His power and blessings upon the heads of...
Top 30 Best Quotes From Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Top 30 Best Quotes From Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

In those days of great ideological conflict between the West and the East, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn became famous for his denunciation of the Soviet Regime...


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