A Pattern of Sacred Reminders

Throughout history, God has established various patterns, practices, and ordinances to help His children remember Him and strengthen their relationship with Him. Some of these sacred reminders include:

• The Sabbath day, a dedicated day of rest and worship, emphasizing the importance of honoring and remembering God (Exodus 20:8–11; Doctrine and Covenants 59:9–13).

• Passover, a solemn yet joyous observance for the Israelites, reminding them of their deliverance from Egyptian bondage and pointing them to Jesus Christ as the ultimate provider of spiritual deliverance for all (Exodus 12–13).

• The sacrament, a sacred ordinance instituted by Jesus Christ to remember His atoning sacrifice (Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; 3 Nephi 18). Through partaking in the sacrament, members of the Church also renew their covenants with God.

Each of these serves as a powerful reminder, directing our focus towards God. Similarly, the temple garment acts as a tangible symbol of our covenant relationship with God the Father, made possible through the Savior Jesus Christ. This garment serves as a covering for God’s most sacred creations—His children.

The First Presidency has expressed, “It is a sacred privilege to wear the garment, and doing so is an outward expression of an inner commitment to follow the Savior Jesus Christ.”1 Every time we engage in priesthood ordinances, serve others, offer prayers, or study the gospel, we outwardly express our personal commitment to follow the Savior. While the temple garment remains unseen by the world, its faithful wearing can serve as a constant reminder to the wearer of the sacred temple covenants established with God—an emblem of our aspiration to fulfill our divine potential.

The garment serves as a reminder that we can shed our natural tendencies and strive to become saints through the Atonement of Jesus Christ (Mosiah 3:19).



When Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, our Heavenly Father did not forsake them. Instead, He provided guidance on His plan for happiness and salvation, entering into covenants with them. As a symbolic reminder of these covenants, He gave them “coats of skins” (Genesis 3:21; Moses 4:27).

During the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, the Lord once again established covenants with His chosen people. He also offered instructions regarding their garments, emphasizing how their attire could serve as a reminder of His commandments (Numbers 15:37-41). For individuals like Aaron, who were ordained to officiate in the tabernacle, Moses was commanded to create “holy garments… for glory and for beauty… that they may minister unto me” (Exodus 28:2-3).

Even today, religious and ceremonial clothing continues to symbolize devotion to God. From the nun’s habit and the priest’s cassock to the Jewish prayer shawl and the Muslim skullcap, religious vestments are prevalent. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, adult members, both men and women, wear a distinctive undergarment that serves as a constant reminder of the covenants they have made with God. While these underclothes are not publicly displayed, they hold deep significance for Church members.

Outside the Church, LDS garments are sometimes referred to as “Mormon undergarments,” or “Mormon temple garment.” However, these terms are inaccurate and can be hurtful. Church members refer to these underclothes simply as the “garment,” the “sacred temple garment,” or the “garment of the Holy Priesthood.” Members often do not openly discuss the temple garment not because it is secretive, but because it is sacred to them. The temple garment serves as a physical reminder of the sacred promises they have made with their Heavenly Father, and it prompts members to remember the blessings they can receive by honoring their commitments. Similar to the respect shown towards the religious vestments of other faiths, Latter-day Saints kindly request that the LDS temple garment be treated with the same reverence.



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