During times of uncertainty—including the current COVID-19 pandemic—Latter-day Saints can receive guidance from the Holy Ghost “that comes with certainty,” said Elder Dale G. Renlund.
“God knows that all of us need personal revelation for our own circumstances,” said the member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
Speaking to the Church News as governments across the globe began easing restrictions brought on by the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, Elder Renlund said personal revelation enables Latter-day Saints to move forward without fear.
The virus that causes COVID-19 is indiscriminate, he explained. “It is protein and ribonucleic acid. It has no soul, it has no temperament, it has no personality.”
It affects people differently, though often exploiting individual weaknesses such as compromised health conditions and even unknown underlying illnesses.
Because of this, “it is an incomparable blessing that God has blessed us with the opportunity to receive personal revelation so that we, in our different circumstances, can be inspired.”
“No Fear”

While the pandemic has halted economic productivity and social connectivity, the work of the kingdom continues to move forward. The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles “are not idle, not sidelined” by the pandemic, he emphasized.
Revelation has been received for the Church through the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, who then acted in unity to protect Latter-day Saints not only in the present pandemic but also to help the Church and its members well into the future.
Because of revelation, the senior leaders of the Church have never expressed fear as the COVID-19 pandemic has affected world populations, said Elder Renlund.
“There is not a hint of fear. Instead, we are asking: ‘How can we do things better? How can we improve? How can we bless our people?’
“There is no fear.”
He said it has been amazing to see the leaders of the Church “packed with full confidence that the Savior will get us through this. And the only concern is, ‘Are we going to learn what we need to learn?’ (Read the rest of the article in the Church News)
Counsels from other members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

The article above is part eight in a series of counsel from members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Click on the following names to read the other articles:
President M. Russell Ballard: The World Will Win the War on COVID-19, President Ballard Says
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: “Shelter in Place” Spiritually and Physically, Elder Holland Says as Isolation Orders Continue around the World
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: Missionary Work Will Continue to Move Forward Despite COVID-19 Pandemic, Says Elder Uchtdorf
Elder David A. Bednar: Despite Temple Closures, Blessings Are Readily Available during COVID-19 Pandemic, Elder Bednar Says
Elder Quentin L. Cook: Revelation Guided “an Interlocking Pattern of Strength” That Now Sustains the Church during COVID-19, Elder Cook Says
Elder D. Todd Christofferson: Watch Out for Singles’ Well-Being, Elder Christofferson Says As He Shares Ways to Survive Isolation of COVID-19
Elder Neil L. Andersen: Humility, Hope, and Compensatory Blessings Exist amid COVID-19, Elder Andersen Says
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

One of the dozen men was a tax collector, and several others were fishermen who plied their trade on the waters of Galilee. When they were called to serve, they devoted themselves to being witnesses to the world of the one who called them.
They were the twelve leading disciples or “apostles” chosen by Jesus Christ nearly two millennia ago.
The men who hold that same title today come from a variety of fields, including law, business, medicine, academia and the judiciary. When they were called to serve, they too put aside their respective professions to serve full-time as witnesses of Christ.
They are the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The modern-day Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was organized in 1835 and is an example of the literal restoration to the earth of the church established by Jesus Christ.
The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is the second-highest presiding body in the government of the Church. Its members serve under the direction of the First Presidency, a governing unit of three men — the president and two counselors.
In addition to their primary responsibility to be special witnesses of the name of Christ throughout the world, the apostles have heavy administrative responsibilities as they oversee the orderly progress and development of the global Church.
Just as their counterparts in ancient times were sent throughout the world, the apostles today travel the world to strengthen and encourage Church members, to organize new congregations and to conduct the business of the Church. Sometimes this means meeting with national leaders to negotiate permission for the Church to be established in yet another country.
A replacement in the Quorum of the Twelve is called by the President of the Church, who seeks and receives inspiration in extending the call. The new member of the Twelve may be called from the general authorities who are senior leaders in the Church or from the general Church membership around the world. Seniority in the Quorum of the Twelve is determined by the date an apostle is called rather than by age. (From the Church Newsroom)