Book of Mormon Videos (#19): Alma Preaches the Word of God, Alma 4–7
In the Book of Mormon, Alma the Younger is a high priest and chief judge in Zarahemla. He learns that many people in God’s Church have become prideful. They care more about money and possessions than about God. They turn their backs on the poor, sick, and afflicted.
Alma steps down as the chief judge to preach faith in Jesus Christ and repentance to the people. Nephihah takes his place as the chief judge over Zarahemla.
Alma reminds the people how to gain salvation through repentance. He teaches them to keep the commandments and to be born again through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Many people believe Alma’s words and experience a mighty change of heart. They repent and humble themselves. Some people who do not belong to the Church also believe, have faith in Jesus Christ, and get baptized. The people in God’s Church in Zarahemla become humbled and unified.
Alma the Younger then goes to Gideon to preach. Alma prophesies of Jesus Christ, who will come into the world to redeem His people. Alma tells the people to repent and be born again to gain salvation. Many people in Gideon believe and are baptized by Alma the Younger.
Based on Alma 4–7.
Book of Mormon Videos (#18): Alma the Younger Is Converted unto the Lord, Mosiah 27; Alma 36
Book of Mormon Videos (#17): Abinadi Testifies of Jesus Christ, Mosiah 11-18
Book of Mormon Videos (#16): King Benjamin Addresses His People, Mosiah 1-5
Book of Mormon Videos (#15): Enos Prays Mightily, Enos 1
Book of Mormon Videos (#14): Sherem Denies Christ, Jacob 7
Book of Mormon Videos (#13): Jacob Teaches about Pride and Chastity, Jacob 2–3
Book of Mormon Videos (#12): Nephi Records His Final Testimony, 2 Nephi 33
Book of Mormon Videos (#10): Jacob Teaches of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, 2 Nephi 6–10
Book of Mormon Videos (#9): The Nephites Separate from the Lamanites, 2 Nephi 5
Book of Mormon Videos (#8): Lehi Gives His Family a Final Blessing, 2 Nephi 1–4
Watch the sixth episode: The Lord Commands Nephi to Build a Ship (1 Nephi
Watch the fifth episode: THE LORD GUIDES LEHI’S JOURNEY (1 NEPHI 16)
Watch the fourth episode: LEHI SEES A VISION OF THE TREE OF LIFE (1 NEPHI 8)
Watch the first three episodes of the Book of Mormon Videos here
Watch the New Trailer for Season 3 of the Book of Mormon Videos
Book of Mormon Videos to be Released; Watch Trailer for 1 Nephi