One episode from the live-action series will be released in 14 additional languages each Wednesday, beginning May
After a long interruption because of the Covid-19 pandemic, additional episodes from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Book of Mormon Videos live-action series will finally be made available in these 14 non-English languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Tagalog, Cebuano, Samoan and Tongan.
An ancient prophet once taught that the sacred words that are now the Book of Mormon would “be kept and preserved by the hand of the Lord until they should go forth unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people” (Alma 37:4).
Starting on Wednesday, May 5, 2021, that prophesy continue to unfold as additional episodes from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Book of Mormon Videos live-action series will be made available in these 14 non-English languages: Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Tagalog, Cebuano, Samoan and Tongan.
Filming for videos depicting events from the books of 3 Nephi and Ether was delayed due to COVID-19 and will occur in 2021. Episodes detailing events from the books of Helaman, Mormon, Moroni and others will be filmed in 2022.
This is the schedule for the newly released videos:
- May 5: King Benjamin Addresses His People | Mosiah 1–5
- May 12: Abinadi Testifies of Jesus Christ | Mosiah 11–18
- May 19: Alma the Younger Is Converted unto the Lord | Mosiah 27; Alma 36
- May 26: Alma Preaches the Word of God | Alma 4–7
- June 2: Alma and Amulek Are Delivered by the Power of God | Alma 8–15
- June 9: Ammon Serves and Teaches King Lamoni | Alma 17–19
- June 16: Alma and Amulek Teach about Faith in Jesus Christ | Alma 31–34
- June 23: Alma Counsels His Sons | Alma 36–42
- June 30: Moroni Invites All to Come unto Christ | Mormon 8–9; Moroni 10; Title Page
Previously released Book of Mormon Videos
New Book of Mormon Video: Moroni Invites All to Come unto Christ
A special episode of the Book of Mormon Videos series has been published to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the first appearance of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, to Joseph Smith, prophet and first president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Book of Mormon Videos (#23): Alma Counsels His Sons, Alma 36–42
Alma the younger talks to his sons one by one. First, he tells his son Helaman how important it is to be born of God. Alma promises him that if he keeps the commandments of God, he will prosper in the land. Alma hands the plates of brass over to him. It is now Helaman’s responsibility to keep a record of the people.
Book of Mormon Videos (#22): Alma and Amulek Teach about Faith in Jesus Christ, Alma 31–34
The Zoramites won’t let the poor worship with them in their synagogues. The Zoramites are prideful and believe that they are better than other people. They only pray once a week with set prayers and forget God during the week.
Book of Mormon Videos (#21): Ammon Serves and Teaches King Lamoni, Alma 17–19
Ammon and the sons of Mosiah go out on their missions to teach the Lamanites the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ammon ask to be King Lamoni’s servant. While watching the king’s sheep, Ammon has to defend the flock from thieves.
Book of Mormon Videos (#20): Alma and Amulek Are Delivered by the Power of God, Alma 8–15
The Book of Mormon prophet Alma the younger preaches to the people in Ammonihah and gets thrown out of their city. An angel of the Lord tells Alma to return to Ammonihah.
Book of Mormon Videos (#19): Alma Preaches the Word of God, Alma 4–7
In the Book of Mormon, Alma the Younger is a high priest and chief judge in Zarahemla. He learns that many people in God’s Church have become prideful. They care more about money and possessions than about God. They turn their backs on the poor, sick, and afflicted.
Book of Mormon Videos (#18): Alma the Younger Is Converted unto the Lord, Mosiah 27; Alma 36
A Book of Mormon prophet named Alma the Elder worries about his son, who is rebelling against God and setting a bad example for the people. Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah persecute the people and want to destroy God’s Church. Alma the Elder, his family, and others pray for his son.
Book of Mormon Videos (#17): Abinadi Testifies of Jesus Christ, Mosiah 11-18
King Noah does not keep the commandments of God. In fact, he has many wives and commits many sins. The king has replaced the Lord’s priests with new ones who support his wickedness. King Noah also demands high taxes from his people to support his lifestyle.
Book of Mormon Videos: Watch Behind the Scenes (3), Mosiah–Alma
A behind-the-scenes look at the filming of the scenes from Mosiah–Alma. Cast and crew share insights about the production, its purpose, and what it means to them.
Book of Mormon Videos (#16): King Benjamin Addresses His People, Mosiah 1-5
King Benjamin Addresses His People | Mosiah 1-5 Video A Book of Mormon prophet, King Benjamin, gathers his people to hear him preach the gospel of Jesus Christ one last time. The people pitch their tents near the temple in Zarahemla. King Benjamin teaches them when…
Watch the New Trailer for Season 3 of the Book of Mormon Videos
Beginning March 13 and weekly every Friday except for conference and Easter weekends, new Book of Mormon videos covering the 221 pages of Mosiah through Alma will be released
Book of Mormon Videos (#15): Enos Prays Mightily, Enos 1
Enos, a Book of Mormon prophet, goes into the forest to hunt and prays mightily to God all through the day and into the night. He hears the voice of God and is forgiven of his sins because of his faith in Christ.
Book of Mormon Videos (#14): Sherem Denies Christ, Jacob 7
Sherem preaches to the people against the doctrine of Christ found in the scriptures and contends with the prophet Jacob. Sherem demands to see a sign proving that Christ will come, and he is smitten by the power of God.
Book of Mormon Videos (#13): Jacob Teaches about Pride and Chastity, Jacob 2–3
Jacob, a Book of Mormon prophet, warns his people to stop being prideful and persecuting their brethren. He teaches his people to seek first the kingdom of God and calls the men of his people to repentance for seeking additional wives and concubines.
Book of Mormon Videos (#12): Nephi Records His Final Testimony, 2 Nephi 33
Nephi, a Book of Mormon prophet, teaches that the scriptures contain the words of Christ, and they teach us to do good. Nephi invites those who do not believe in his words to believe in Christ.
Book of Mormon Videos (#11): Nephi Teaches the Doctrine of Christ, 2 Nephi 31–32
Nephi, a Book of Mormon prophet, teaches his people about baptism and the doctrine of Christ.
Book of Mormon Videos (#10): Jacob Teaches of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, 2 Nephi 6–10
Jacob, a Book of Mormon prophet, rejoices in the wisdom of God in providing a Savior for mankind. He prophesies of Jesus Christ and teaches about His Atonement and Resurrection.
Book of Mormon Videos (#9): The Nephites Separate from the Lamanites, 2 Nephi 5
Nephi’s older brothers are angry with him and desire to kill him. The Lord warns Nephi, a Book of Mormon prophet, and his people to leave. They settle in a new land and call it “Nephi.”
Book of Mormon Videos (#8): Lehi Gives His Family a Final Blessing, 2 Nephi 1–4
Lehi, a Book of Mormon prophet, has a vision of the destruction of Jerusalem. He teaches that Jesus Christ is central to God’s plan of salvation.
Watch the Seventh Video in the Book of Mormon Series: Lehi’s Family Sails to the Promised Land (1 Nephi 18)t
Lehi’s family continues their journey to the promised land. After days at sea, Nephi’s brothers and the sons of Ishmael and their wives begin to offend the Spirit with inappropriate singing, dancing, and rude speech.
After eight years in the wilderness, Lehi’s growing family comes to a land near the sea. They call it Bountiful because of its abundant fruit and wild honey. Nephi hears the voice of the Lord commanding him to go up into the mountain to pray.
Watch the Fifth Video in the Book of Mormon Series: The Lord Guides Lehi’s Journey (1 Nephi 16)
Lehi’s sons marry the daughters of Ishmael and fulfill the Lord’s commands. The Lord commands the company to continue on their journey and provides a tool called the Liahona that shows the direction to go.
In the wilderness, Lehi has a vision filled with symbolism that includes the tree of life. In his vision he struggles for some time in the dark before finally making his way to the tree.
The First Three Episodes of the Book of Mormon Videos Have Been Released
The first three episodes of the Book of Mormon Videos have been released on September 20, September 27, and October 4. The next episode is expected for next Friday, October 11.
First Book of Mormon Video will be Released on September 20: Watch the Trailer
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints completed its second-to-last week of production for season three of the Book of Mormon live-action. The first video of the series will be available September 20