The first three episodes of the Book of Mormon Videos have been released on September 20, September 27, and October 4. The next episode is expected for next Friday, October 11.
These videos are remarkable, and I have enjoyed watching them and learning from them.
According to Sister Reyna I. Aburto, who has been a part of the project’s steering committee since her call as second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency in April 2017, they are
“…going to make such a big difference in so many lives, because the truths that are contained can change lives. These videos are going to help with the process, because they hopefully are going to bring people to the book,” … “Because,” she continued with a smile, “the book is always better than the movie, right?”
Watch the first three Book of Mormon videos and the “Behind the scene” video if you have not yet seen them, or share them with your friends and family.
Book of Mormon Videos | Behind the Scenes | 1 Nephi
A behind-the-scenes look at the filming of the scenes from 1 Nephi. Cast and crew share insights about the production, its purpose, and what it means to them.
The Lord Commands Lehi’s Family to Leave Jerusalem | 1 Nephi 1–2 | Book of Mormon
Lehi, a prophet in Jerusalem, receives direction from God that Jerusalem will be destroyed because of the wickedness of the people. He attempts to warn the citizens of Jerusalem, but they instead try to kill him.
The Lord then directs Lehi to flee into the wilderness with his wife, Sariah, and his four sons—Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi.
Nephi Is Led by the Spirit to Obtain the Plates of Brass | 1 Nephi 3–5 | Book of Mormon
As a result of a dream, Lehi sends his sons back to Jerusalem to obtain sacred records on plates of brass from a wicked religious and military leader named Laban.
Laban refuses to give up the records and steals Lehi’s wealth when Laman attempts to use it to buy the plates. Laman and Lemuel rebel and beat their younger brothers—until an angel appears and saves them.
Nephi miraculously obtains possession of the plates by following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Lehi and Sariah are grateful and delighted when their sons return with the plates, and Lehi immediately begins to study their contents.
Ishmael’s Household Joins Lehi’s Family | 1 Nephi 7 | Book of Mormon
The Lord reveals to Lehi that his sons should return to Jerusalem and enlist Ishmael’s family in their journey so that those sons could marry Ishmael’s daughters and have families.
Ishmael’s family consents to join them. Along the way, disagreements break out, and Laman and Lemuel lead a rebellion. They bind Nephi and leave him for wild animals to devour him, but Nephi is miraculously released. Laman and Lemuel repent, and the company completes their journey to join with Lehi and Sariah.