A special episode of the Book of Mormon Videos series has been published to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the first appearance of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, to Joseph Smith, prophet and first president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
This video premiered in English during the hour leading up to the Face to Face broadcast for young adults featuring Elder Ronald A. Rasband and his wife, Melanie, on Sunday, September 13, and is also now available with Spanish and Portuguese subtitles.
The new video portrays the prophet Moroni in the ancient Americas as he struggles to protect and add to the record of his people before depositing the record in the Hill Cumorah for safekeeping.

Moroni recorded Christ-centered teachings and his spiritual experiences on gold plates, as part of a compilation of ancient records, known today as The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. Moroni was also the last Book of Mormon prophet and the son of Mormon, the prophet who was the principal compiler of the record and the person from whom the Book of Mormon takes its name.
When will more Book of Mormon Videos be released?
The new Moroni episode will be the last video of the Book of Mormon Videos series to be published before 2022. Further filming has been postponed because of concerns related to COVID-19.

Book of Mormon Videos (#23): Alma Counsels His Sons, Alma 36–42
Book of Mormon Videos (#22): Alma and Amulek Teach about Faith in Jesus Christ, Alma 31–34
Book of Mormon Videos (#21): Ammon Serves and Teaches King Lamoni, Alma 17–19
Book of Mormon Videos (#20): Alma and Amulek Are Delivered by the Power of God, Alma 8–15
Book of Mormon Videos (#19): Alma Preaches the Word of God, Alma 4–7
Book of Mormon Videos (#18): Alma the Younger Is Converted unto the Lord, Mosiah 27; Alma 36
Book of Mormon Videos (#17): Abinadi Testifies of Jesus Christ, Mosiah 11-18
Book of Mormon Videos (#16): King Benjamin Addresses His People, Mosiah 1-5
Book of Mormon Videos (#15): Enos Prays Mightily, Enos 1
Book of Mormon Videos (#14): Sherem Denies Christ, Jacob 7
Book of Mormon Videos (#13): Jacob Teaches about Pride and Chastity, Jacob 2–3
Book of Mormon Videos (#12): Nephi Records His Final Testimony, 2 Nephi 33
Book of Mormon Videos (#10): Jacob Teaches of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, 2 Nephi 6–10
Book of Mormon Videos (#9): The Nephites Separate from the Lamanites, 2 Nephi 5
Book of Mormon Videos (#8): Lehi Gives His Family a Final Blessing, 2 Nephi 1–4
Watch the sixth episode: The Lord Commands Nephi to Build a Ship (1 Nephi
Watch the fifth episode: THE LORD GUIDES LEHI’S JOURNEY (1 NEPHI 16)
Watch the fourth episode: LEHI SEES A VISION OF THE TREE OF LIFE (1 NEPHI 8)
Watch the first three episodes of the Book of Mormon Videos here
Watch the New Trailer for Season 3 of the Book of Mormon Videos
Book of Mormon Videos to be Released; Watch Trailer for 1 Nephi